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The driver who marks it out has to remain on the ground until it is finished, and has no interest in over-measuring it; and if it should be systematically increased very much there is the danger of a general stampede to the 'swamp' a danger a slave can always hold before his master's cupidity...It is the driver's duty to make the tasked hands do their work well.

Annunziata's eyes had clouded. "Of course I won't turn into a monkey," she said, in accents at once of disillusion and disdain. "I did not know there was any such danger. I should hate to be a monkey." Then her eyes brightened again. "May I go and get them now?" she asked, wistful and impatient. "Yes," said John; "be off with you." And she went running lightly up the hill.

And a holiday that takes on such proportions that the Express companies and the Post-office cannot handle it is in danger of a collapse.

Etienne Cordel is in Paris; he can read the signs as well as most men, and if there is a disturbance he will take advantage of it. You are doubly in danger first as a Huguenot and a friend of Coligny's; next as the owner of Le Blanc. You will have to steer skilfully to avoid both dangers!" "You speak as if a plot to murder the Huguenots were already afoot."

But immediately afterwards the Directoire was faced by the unpleasant fact that their new general, disregarding his instructions, had concluded an armistice with Sardinia. Already in less than a month, Bonaparte, as he now called himself, had shown that he was a great general, and moreover a politician who might become a danger to the Directoire itself.

We, doubtless, admit that in forsaking the raft, the minds of those who did so, were greatly agitated, and that the desire of withdrawing themselves from danger, made them forget that a hundred and fifty unfortunate men were going to be abandoned to the most cruel sufferings.

When he left the room, in which she lay, for she kept her bed, I followed him out, and asked him, if he thought there was any danger; telling him how she then was, the manner in which she was first seized, and what had been prescribed her. As she before had had several such fits of cholick, Mr. Stevens did not apprehend any immediate danger.

Oh, she has been a good little mother to me! She has wept so much because of me. If only you knew what she had planned to do when they were going to tear me away from her! But that danger is past, and now that you are come everything will be well. We have been reading about you, Ludwig. What a hero you are our knight, St. George!

Yet it seemed that he was not so far off, for already an attack had been made on Owen as he rode beyond the village, though it was no very dangerous one. Now it was to be hoped that the danger from him was past, for his brother had been taken the moment he rode into the gate, and he would suffer if more harm was done.

He felt an impulse to jump up and shout; but he kept his cheek to the rifle butt and responded: "Keep to your own side of those stakes, Garman, or I'll sink your canoe." "Answer me!" hissed Garman. "Answer me, or by God! the alligators will make a meal of you!" "You've got your answer. Keep off and keep out of danger." "Give her up! Do you hear: give her up or she'll be sorry she ever was born."