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Mr. Bentley would willingly have taken all Dalton Street.

"And he is around here now?" asked Nat. "Yes, I saw some one the other day whom I am sure could be no one else. He had the most peculiar walk. Did you see him in Dalton, Nat?" "I was just going to tell you that while we were in the plumbing shop a fellow sauntered by. He wore a hat like a cowboy, and otherwise looked queer.

The morning had now come in the west as well as in the east, and he saw the strong Northern artillery posted on both sides of the turnpike, threatening the Southern advance. "We must open with the cannon," he said, and he dispatched Harry and Dalton to order up the guns.

"That's true," said Dalton, "but it takes good men like Sherburne to use the favoring chances. Now our boys are charging!" The tremendous rebel yell swelled through the forest, and the Southern infantry rushed to the attack. Harry saw that the charge was successful, and his ears told him so too. The firing moved further and further away, and soon declined in volume.

The prophet had not yet spoken; nor indeed had time been given him to do so, had he been inclined. He looked on, however, with' surprise, which soon assumed the appearance, as well as the reality, of some malignant satisfaction which he could not conceal. He eyed Dalton with a grin of peculiar bitterness.

In short, not to trouble the reader with, the dry details of the courts, after some discussion, it was arranged that two bills should be prepared and sent up one for perjury, and the other for the murder of a carman, named Peter Magennis, almost at the very spot where it had, until then, been supposed that poor Dalton had murdered Bartholomew Sullivan.

Sometimes you go, after Dalton has taught you "the ropes," to have a cosy sit-down over oysters and champagne, to which the Senior lends himself with the pleasantest condescension in the world. You are not altogether used to hard drinking; but this you conceal as most spirited young fellows do by drinking a great deal.

"What else could I expect?" said I, with a weary sigh, "Is not pain the fate of the great majority, is not sorrow the portion of the children of men?" Anyhow, I was not likely to see Mr. Dalton ever again.

At its farther debouche he met a cavalry brigade, easily driven, which retreated hastily north toward Dalton, and doubtless carried to Johnston the first serious intimation that a heavy force of infantry and artillery was to his rear and within a few miles of his railroad.

Glad the others on this corridor are all nice and punctual." In bathrobe and slippers Judith soon followed Jane down the long hall. Neither dallied long in the plunge, for Judith was wide awake now, and presently, after dressing and patting herself and belongings into place, she confronted Jane with this: "I heard Dozia Dalton last night. And I know there will be trouble about the farmer girl.