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How can one get enough to eat in them?" asked Miss Dixon, clasping her hands, and looking with her rather effective eyes, first at Mr. Towne, and then at Paul. "Ha! You dakes along vot you eat!" exclaimed the German. "Pretzels iss fine! Haf one!" and he extended a handful of small ones. Since the company had been snowbound he had always a few in his pocket. He called them his "mascots."

Ven I goes into dot hoshpital, dey oxamines mine lungs. Den dey puts me into a pedt mit a pig card hanging ofer mine hedt, und dere vos on dot card in pig letters, de vird, CONSUMPTION. I tink dey puts dot card dere to encourage me ven I looks at him. Und in a leedle pox py mine hedt, dey puts a pottle of medticine und say to me, 'You dakes a teaspoonful of dot efery dree hours. So I do dot.

The Burkhammers asked no questions, and I went to sleep without giving any account of my strange visit, but about midnight I awoke myself and the whole family by my sobs. They gathered around my bed, and I must tell. What I said I do not know, but the old man interrupted me with: "Oh tamm Jim. You stay here mit us. My old woman und me, we has blenty. We dakes care of you.

You and your children sail about on the lake, with minds and hearts, I doubt not, elevated and tranquillized by its quiet repose; but Ben Dakes, and his idle, profane army of children, consider themselves as doing very much the same thing when they lie lolling about, sunning themselves on its shore, or skipping stones over its surface the whole of a Sunday afternoon."

Dot medticine is Doctor Smith's favorite prescription for dot disease. Und mit all dot you kicks. Vot more do you want? 'Vell, I say, 'I gan no more dake dot medticine. It makes me awful seek. 'Now, Hans, dondt be so unreasonable. You pelongs to dot ped, und whoefer goes into dot ped dakes dot medticine. Dondt you see? 'But I dells you dot I gan no more dake dot medticine. It vill kill me.

Uf I shoose mein second, I dakes Vrankie Merrivell alretty!" For all that he had serious work on hand, Frank was ready for a frolic, and he instantly said: "I will carry your challenge, Hans. You may depend on me." "All righd, Vrankie, my poy; led her go." "You wish me to hunt up Ephraim Gallup, and demand an apology or a fight?" "Yaw." "And you really mean it?" "Yaw."

He wasn't at all pleased to see me; in fact he didn't seem to care whether I had gone from Rossmore or not. "Going fishing?" I asked. "Yes; I dakes a leetle fish." "Don't you need some goods?" "No; I dinks not." "How about money? Haven't you got some for me?" "Not a tollar now. You see I pay Plissam last night ery tollar I haf." "Why didn't you divide?" "It was not wort' w'ile."