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We will make it crystallise, first connecting the tube containing it to another one containing a coloured liquid and closed by a cork carrying a narrow tube dipping into the coloured liquid. On crystallising, the solution gives off heat, as is shown by the expansion of the air in the corked tube, and the consequent forcing of the coloured liquid up the narrow tube.

He sought to crystallise his thoughts and affections; his very passion took artistic shape, and assumed in the clear light Vera's charming features. "What are you scribbling day and night?" inquired Tatiana Markovna. "Is it a play or another novel?" "I write and write, Granny, and don't know myself how it will end."

First that of a nature book, full of air, foliage and landscape that English landscape art of Linnell and De Wint and Foster, for which he repeatedly expresses such a passionate tendre, refreshed by 'blasts from the channel, with raining scud and spume of mist breaking upon the hills' in which he seems to crystallise the very essence of a Western winter. God grant that the leaven may work!

Kindness was ready in her mind; it but lacked the touch of an occasion to effervesce and crystallise.

The granite of Mourne is peculiar in structure, and differs from the ordinary type of that rock in which the silica forms the ground mass. In the case of the granite of the Mourne Mountains, the rock consists of a crystalline granular aggregate of orthoclase, albite, smoke-quartz, and mica; it is also full of drusy cavities, in which the various minerals crystallise out in very perfect form.

After all, the difference between the greatest thinker and the smallest provincial burgher is often only the difference between a truth that can sometimes express itself and a truth that can never crystallise into form. The difference is considerable a gap, but not a chasm.

If you could look through a dewdrop into a salt-crystal, you would find it built up of an infinite number of squares just like the Great Pyramid. But if you let alum crystallise, you will see a whole field of pyramids. Alum is the salt deposited in clay. There you have the salt of the earth and of the sea. "But there is another kind of pyramid with blunted corners.

It is the first individual creation; the still undeveloped powers tend for the first time to crystallise; the staggering sensation produced by the demand for self-reliance imparts a seductive charm to these early performances, which is not only quite new, but which never returns.

It has no initiative. It does not even protest against the most obvious outrages upon that phantom of a world-conscience international law. Pacificists in their search for some definite starting-point, about which the immense predisposition for peace may crystallise, have suggested the Pope and various religious organisations as a possible basis for the organisation of peace.

In the meanwhile let us adopt the hypothesis that offers the most encouragement to our existence in this life; in this life which has need of us for the solution of its own enigmas, seeing that in us its secrets crystallise the most limpidly and most rapidly. His history is concisely summed up by Dr.