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Funeral sermons were also printed, with trappings of sombreness, black-bordered, with death's-heads and crossbones on the covers. These sermons were not, however, preached at the time of the funeral, save in exceptional cases. It is said that one was delivered at the funeral of President Chauncey in 1671.

"Damsel," she said, "it is the will of Skull and Crossbones that you hie ye to yonder orchard, Avery's, I mean, and bring hither some of the golden apples basking in the sun." "What!" ejaculated Connie, startled out of her respect. Carol frowned. Connie hastened to modify her tone. "Did they say you might have them?" she inquired politely.

There was a narrow footpath between two rows of tall quaint old tombstones, with skulls and crossbones out upon the moss-grown stone; a path leading to another gate which opened upon a wide patch of heath skirted by a scanty firwood. This was the wildest bit of landscape about Arden, and Clarissa loved it with all an artist's love.

It was a mysterious door, its upper half, of opaque glass, bearing no sign to state the business or profession of the occupants within; but overhead, upon the lintel, four letters had been smearingly inscribed, partly with purple ink and partly with a soft lead pencil, "F. O. T. A." and upon the plaster wall, above the lintel, there was a drawing dear to male adolescence: a skull and crossbones.

Hang it!" to me, "they left the skull and crossbones off all the flags!" Mr. Barr-Smith at once engaged the engineer in conversation, and seemed worming from him all his knowledge of the construction of the boat. The rest of us lounged on cushions and seats. We threaded our way up the new pond, winding between clumps of trees, now in broad moonlight, now in deepest shade.

Having deceived her at the altar, was there justification for his dropping the mask at the hearthstone? Nay, the skeleton must be no rattling of skull and crossbones to freeze the blood in the sweet laughing face of the trusting bird. Now her clinging tenderness, her affectionate humility, upbraided him as no harsh words could possibly have done.

You know Miss Thompson is awfully down on 'skipping school. She threatened last year to suspend Edna Wright for it." "There will be weeping and wailing in the 'Skull and Crossbones' crowd," exclaimed Nora. "They are all in this mix-up, and if they aren't suspended, they'll be lucky."

"So she got mad at those K troop men," he said. "An' nex' day when Turner stopped there for a drink she says: 'You git outer yere! You men fum de Arsenic wid de crossbones on you caps, I ain't lettin' you in; but de Medical Corpses an' de Non-efficient Officers, dey may come."

Skulls and crossbones, sometimes skeletons or skeleton-like figures, are not uncommon among the sepulchral embellishments of an earlier period. Where one of these figures is found, the forty-day-fast story is likely to grow out of it, as the mistletoe springs from the oak or apple tree. With far different emotions we look upon the spot where lie buried many of the Herbert family, among the rest,

The elder stones, dated a century back or more, have borders elaborately carved with flowers and are adorned with a multiplicity of death's-heads, crossbones, scythes, hour-glasses, and other lugubrious emblems of mortality, with here and there a winged cherub to direct the mourner's spirit upward.