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The shower had swept over to the northeast, just one dark flounce of its skirt reaching to the zenith. A cool breeze suddenly sprang up from the west, stirred by the suction of the receding storm, and a roar came from the trees on the hilltops. "Better run for port," said Jim; "I'd hate to have Mr. Barr-Smith suffer shipwreck where the charts don't show any water!"

"But you are right in thinking that I believe such duties should not be transgressed, for fear that the world may call us provincial or old-fashioned." And she shot a glance at Cornish and Barr-Smith as the visible representatives of the "world."

Barr-Smith on the other hand, was garbed cap-a-pie for an outing, presenting an appearance with which the racket, the bat, or even the alpenstock might have been conjoined in perfect harmony. As for the men of Lattimore, any one of them would as soon have been seen in the war-dress of a Sioux chief as in this entirely correct costume of our British visitor.

"Don't listen to that age-old clash between fervor and unregeneracy," said Josie across the narrow table, her remarks made possible by the music of the orchestra, "but tell us about Mr. Barr-Smith and the other gentlemen." "I wanted to ask you about the Britons," said I; "are they good specimens of the men you saw in England?"

Cornish could harbor a doubt as to his morning tub; and his evening dress was always correct. With Jim, Mr. Barr-Smith went into the discussion of business propositions freely and confidentially. I feel sure that had he greatly desired a candid statement of the very truth as to local views, or the exact judgment of one on the spot, he would have come to me.

Barr-Smith bowed not the knee to the Baal of western clothes-monotone, but daily sent out his sartorial orisons, keeping his windows open toward the Jerusalem of his London tailor, in a manner which would have delighted a Teufelsdröckh. He was a short man, with protruding cheeks, and a nose ending in an amorphous flare of purple and scarlet.

There will be baseball grounds, and facilities for all sorts of sports; and outings and games will center here. I promise you the next regatta of the State Rowing Association, and a street-car line landing passengers where we now sit." "Hear, hear!" said Mr. Barr-Smith, and the company clapped hands in applause. Mr.

Barr-Smith, in response to the allusions to him, assured us that the presence of people such as he had had the pleasure of meeting in Lattimore was sufficient in itself to account for the forward movement in the community, which the visitor could not fail to observe.

I've never had what you can really call a home not since I was a little chap, when it was home wherever there were trees and mother. I've filled this with those associations I spoke to Barr-Smith about to-night a little more than I seem to have had any warrant to do. I tried to make sure about the jewel for the jewel-case to-night, and it went wrong, Al; and that's all there is of it.

Then, as everything pointed to a speedy baptism in the lake for all of us, we saw that the very speed of the wind had saved us, and felt the gondola bump broadside upon the dam. Jim sprang to the abutment with Josie, and Cecil Barr-Smith half carried and half led Antonia to the shore.