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It is useless to talk about secret wires, or a mouse running up and down the strings, or any other material explanation of this fact. It took place precisely as I relate it, and remains a mystery to this day." Fowler remained very calm. "Crookes saw in a full light an accordion playing beneath the touch of invisible fingers."

On the other hand, it says much for the courage and open mindedness of Crookes that he refused to be held back from what was for him the only possible way of extending the boundaries of science beyond the given physical world.

By this I mean that though some of them, like Crookes, for example, believe in "the intervention of discarnate intelligences," they are not ready to grant that these intelligences are their grandfathers returning to the scene of their earthly labors. Nearly every one of the mediums I have studied has had at least one guide, whose voice and habit of thought were perilously similar to her own.

W. F. Barrett, professor of physics at the Royal College of Science, Dublin, and was warmly seconded by Dr. Alfred Russel Wallace and Sir William Crookes, two distinguished scientists who had already made adventures in psychical research and were destined to wide renown as ghost hunters.

If need be, instead of using the entire tube, the rays from the most effective portion of it only are allowed to impinge upon the part of the body to be investigated, through an opening in a disk of lead interposed between the Crookes tube and the body.

Elliotson, one of the leaders of free thought in this country. Professor Crookes, the most rising chemist in Europe, Dr. Russel Wallace the great naturalist, Varley the electrician, Flammarion the French astronomer, and many others, risked their scientific reputations in their brave assertions of the truth. These men were not credulous fools. They saw and deplored the existence of frauds.

Doubtless it is not necessary to recall here how, in December 1895, Röntgen, having wrapped in black paper a Crookes tube in action, observed that a fluorescent platinocyanide of barium screen placed in the neighbourhood, had become visible in the dark, and that a photographic plate had received an impress.

It is a name associated with the most beautiful invention ever made: it is Crookes! I read it only once in my life that time yet every detail about that charming work I can remember this day. Few are the books, let me say, which can make such an impression upon the mind of a student.

The stream of new discoveries which followed Crookes's work justified his conviction that in cathode ray phenomena we have to do with a frontier region of physical nature. Still, the land that lies on the other side of this frontier is not the one Crookes had been looking for throughout his life.

D'ye think we won't all hold together, now? Is that the bug in the butter? Sure, now, listen. Let me tell you " "You can't tell me anything about this scheme that you've not told me before," declared Cressler. "You'll win, of course. Crookes & Co. are like Rothschild earthquakes couldn't budge 'em. But I promised myself years ago to keep out of the speculative market, and I mean to stick by it."