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Turnbull paid a visit to Mrs. Clarkson, who listened with eager interest to the account of the meeting, and when the words of the closing prayer were conveyed an anxious look came over her countenance, and she made an effort to change the subject, without, however, preventing Mrs. Turnbull from detecting her confusion.

Calming her countenance, and giving to her eyes that expression of tender friendship which made her so attractive, she smiled and answered: "I can say as much to you. Perhaps, dear Paul, my Spanish nature has led me farther than my heart desired. Be what you are, kind as God himself, and do not be angry with me for a few hasty words. Shake hands."

There could hardly have been a stronger contrast between the emaciated old man of the huge white mustache, thin reddish cheeks and shock of white hair, and the broad-shouldered, handsome and erect young man or the stern and gloomy countenance of the former, and the expressive eyes and flexible lips of Wilfred.

"To stay is your duty!" says Mountain, with a stamp of her foot. "Why did not my mother own it when we talked of the matter just now?" "Your mother!" says Mrs. Mountain, with a most gloomy, sardonic laugh; "your mother, my poor child!" "What is the meaning of that mournful countenance, Mountain?" "It may be that your mother wishes you away, George!" Mrs. Mountain continued, wagging her head.

this refers to an unnatural ugliness and deformity of limbs; but we call ugliness also an unseemliness at first sight, which is principally lodged in the face, and disgusts us on very slight grounds: by the complexion, a spot, a rugged countenance, for some reasons often wholly inexplicable, in members nevertheless of good symmetry and perfect.

Her countenance looked pale, stern, and fixed as marble. The fire in her eyes startled her with its unearthly glow.

He felt he could trust the discretion of this taciturn Highlander. "I'll that, sir," was the reply. And Gimblet could see, in spite of the man's unchanging countenance, that he was pleased at this mark of confidence in him. "Could you take me to the head gardener's house?" he asked, abruptly changing the subject. "I should rather like a talk with him."

The shopman kept his countenance in spite of inward irritation, which communicated itself to Duronceret and Bixiou. The Englishwoman, cool as a cucumber, appeared to rejoice in her phlegmatic humor. "What price?" she asked, indicating a sky-blue shawl covered with a pattern of birds nestling in pagodas. "Seven thousand francs."

His landlady thought that he was in debt, and his friends whispered abroad that he had caught scarlatina. But at the end of the seven days he came forth, pale indeed, but with his countenance lighted up by ecstatic fire, and as he started for his office, he carefully folded and put into his pocket the elegantly written poem on which he had been so intently engaged."

With pale and death-like countenance, she appeared to be fighting more with herself than with the disease which yet had nearly overcome her. The drops stood upon her forehead, and she did not speak. Wishing to help her, if I might, I said "Was it about your daughter you wanted to speak to me?" "No," she muttered. "I have nothing to say about my daughter. She was my own.