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"And in all that," she went on, "I see no one to pity except the wife and daughter of that old stick Favoral." "They are, indeed, much to be pitied." "They say that the mother is a good old thing." "She is an excellent person." "And the daughter? Costeclar was crazy about her once. He made eyes like a carp in love, as he told us, to mamma and myself, 'She is an angel, mesdames, an angel!

You were but a small fish then: you accommodated yourself with what your patrons, the sharks, did not care about. But, when you tried to operate alone, you were not shrewd enough: you left proofs of your excessive appetite for other people's money. Those proofs I have in my possession." M. Costeclar was now undergoing perfect torture. "I am caught," he said, "I know it: I told M. de Villegre so."

She liked to imagine Marius de Tregars and M. Costeclar in presence of each other, the one as imperious and haughty as she had seen him meek and trembling; the other more humble still than he was arrogant with her. "One thing is certain," she repeated to herself; "and that is, I am saved."

Look out for next Sunday's number!" Peace being made, the gentlemen continued their walk in the most friendly manner, M. Costeclar pointing out to Maxence all the celebrities who were passing by them in their carriages. He had just designated to his attention Mme. and Mlle. de Thaller, accompanied by two gigantic footmen, when, suddenly interrupting himself, and rising on tiptoe,

And, if I came here to expose myself to an affront which I foresaw, it is because I wanted to make sure of a fact of which a word of Costeclar, a few days ago, had given me an idea, of a fact which you do not, perhaps, suspect, dear mother, despite your astonishing perspicacity. I wanted to find out M. de Tregars' secret; and I have found it out."

"We have none, sir." "Then it is true: he succeeded in getting away through this window?" "Yes." "And he did not tell you where he meant to take refuge?" Observing M. Costeclar with all her power of penetration, Mlle. Gilberte fancied she discovered in him something like a certain surprise mingled with joy. "Then Favoral must have left without a sou!"

Gilberte, "you succeeded in delivering me from M. Costeclar." "Yes, I was fortunately able to find weapons against that scoundrel. But can I find some against all others that may offer? Your father is very rich; and the men are numerous for whom marriage is but a speculation like any other." "Would you doubt me?" "Ah, rather would I doubt myself!

That worthy was condemned to five years' prison; M. Costeclar got off with three years; and M. Jottras with two. M. Saint Pavin was acquitted. Arrested for subornation of murder, the former Marquise de Javelle the Baroness de Thaller, was released for want of proper proof.

I must see, try and find out exactly who is this Costeclar: the deuse take him!" He started out the same day, and had not far to go. M. Costeclar was one of those personalities which only bloom in Paris, and are only met in Paris, the same as cab-horses, and young ladies with yellow chignons. He knew everybody, and everybody knew him.

To be thus treated, he, the successful man, in presence of this young girl, whom, a moment before, he was crushing with his impudent opulence, no, M. Costeclar could not stand it. Losing completely his head, "You should have let me know, then," he exclaimed, "that she was your mistress." Something like a flame passed over M. de Tregars' face. His eyes flashed.