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"Make it bucks!" the boy yelled, by the way of correction, and asked again in a low voice, "Coffee?" "If you please." "One up light." While Bradley was eating his cakes, which were excellent, others came in, and the waiters dashed to and fro, shouting their weird orders. "Ham and, two up coff, a pair, boot-leg, white wings."

I am most indebted to him for the direction to use historical and archaeological authorities critically, and his correction of the tasks he set me; but our conversations on archaeological subjects have also been of the greatest interest. After his death I tried to return in some small degree what his unselfish kindness had bestowed by accepting the invitation to become his biographer.

The picture was taken back to the studio; objectionable or questionable parts of it painted out; the likeness destroyed for the purpose of correction; and Percival was to give another sitting at his convenience. That was the last time he put himself within painting reach of Mr.

RATIONS IN ENGLISH PRISONS. The daily ration of food in the Bedfordshire Penitentiary, is two pounds of bread; and if at hard labor, a quart of soup for dinner. In the Cambridge County House of Correction, three pounds of bread, and one pint of beer. In the Millbank General Penitentiary, one and a half pounds of bread, one pound of potatos, six ounces of beef, with half a pint of broth therefrom.

Considering the authority, I think this is fairly good testimony toward the wisdom of the achievement to which some of us devoted the greater part of three strenuous years; and if the question is to be asked "whither are we tending," part of the answer will be that by such measures as this for the care of child life, which means in practice especially for the keeping alive of boys, we are tending toward the correction of one of the gravest, though least recognized, evils of the present day.

"Two stalls not sold and six seats in the upper circle," he informed me; "not bad for a Thursday night." I expressed my gratification. "I knew you could do it," said Hodgson, "I felt sure of it merely from seeing that comedietta of yours at the Queen's. I never make a mistake." Correction under the circumstances would have been unkind.

If the author of the Thirty-seventh Psalm lived at the present time, he would see the righteous well represented among the unemployed, and his seed in the Industrial Schools. For correction of the Psalmist's misleading experience, one need go no further down the very restricted stream of Sacred History than the date of the typical Lazarus.

A drop of blood appeared on the girl's left temple, near her eyelid. But she sprang forward, flushed and maddened by this correction, with her hand raised and ready to strike back. "Take care, mother! I swear I'd beat you like a gipsy!

He quitted Fowlshiels, with great regret towards the latter end of 1798, when it was necessary for him to return to London, to prepare for his intended publication. He carried back with him a great mass of papers, the produce of his summer's labour; and after his return to London, bestowed considerable pains in the correction and retrenchment of his manuscript before it was sent to the press.

Anderson, not only for the correction of this error, but for permission to examine many private papers relating to Major Anderson's experience in Fort Sumter.