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"Coralie," I said, "forget all this nonsense and be your own bright self again." "My own bright self will never live again; a man's scorn has killed me." Suddenly, before I knew what she was doing, she had flung herself in a fearful passion of tears in my arms. She was sobbing with her face close to mine and her hot hands clinging to me.

"I back to France," answered Varvilliers. "We to Munich," said Coralie, with a shrug. "I the deuce knows where," laughed Wetter. "I also the deuce knows where. Come, then, to our next merry supper!" I poured out a glass of wine. They all followed my example, and we drank. "But we shall have no more," said Wetter. A moment's silence fell on us all. Then Wetter spoke again.

This strange phenomenon is subject, until it degenerates into a habit with long practice, to the caprices of character, and not seldom to an admirable delicacy of feeling in actresses who are still young. Coralie, to all appearance bold and wanton, as the part required, was in reality girlish and timid, and love had wrought in her a revulsion of her woman's heart against the comedian's mask.

What invaluable men!" exclaimed Finot. "Yes. With two more actresses as handsomely kept as Florine and Coralie, I should make something out of the business." For the past two hours the word money had been sounding in Lucien's ears as the solution of every difficulty.

"I do not think so," she replied; and then she would not stop for another word, and I went in to meet Lady Thesiger alone. She was surprised when I told her. No matter what Coralie said about maneuvering, if ever I saw real, genuine surprise in any woman's face, it was in Lady Thesiger's this evening.

"You will marry Agatha," she said, faintly, "and bring her home here. I hope you will be happy; but, oh! Edgar Edgar when she is your wife, and you are so happy together, you will not forget me; you will stroll out sometimes when the dew is falling to look at my grave and say, 'Poor Coralie! how well she loved me so well so dearly! You will do that, Edgar?"

If I make one, by Heaven the world is rich in them! Take Struboff for another. But your Majesty is wrong. I'm a farce." "Yes, you're a bit of a farce," said I. He laid his hand on my arm and looked full and long in my face. "So you've made your study of us?" he asked. "Oh, I know why you came to Paris! Coralie, Struboff, myself you have us all now?"

Her enemies had not been prepared for this step on her part, and her success had determined the manager to give her the heroine's part in Camille Maupin's play. He had discovered the cause of her apparent failure, and was indignant with Florine and Nathan. Coralie should have the protection of the management. At five o'clock that morning, Rastignac came for Lucien.

The solemnity and reality of life disappear, the most sacred things are matter for a jest, the most impossible things seem to be true. Lucien felt as if he had taken some narcotic, and Coralie had completed the work. He plunged into this joyous intoxication.

Are you jealous of fine ladies?" "Yes," cried Coralie. "They are worse than we are." "How do you know that, my pet?" asked Blondet. "From their husbands," retorted she. "You are forgetting that I once had six months of de Marsay." "Do you suppose, child, that I am particularly anxious to take such a handsome fellow as your poet to Mme. de Montcornet's house?