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Suffice it, that a little after the night had closed, the cart was brought to a standstill in a woody road; where the sergeant lifted from among the parcels, and tenderly deposited upon the wayside, the inanimate form of Harker. "If you come-to before daylight," thought the sergeant, "I shall be surprised for one."

As he was laid down on his back he began to come-to, and looked wildly round, while when he saw my uncle approach him knife in hand, he set his teeth and made a fierce attempt to rise. But Cross was holding him from behind, and the poor fellow was helpless.

"Only me, Duncombe," said Denham. "Just come to see how Wren is." "Better, thank goodness," said the doctor. "He seemed to come-to about five minutes ago." "I am glad, Wren," said Denham, setting down the lamp beside the lantern. "Thank ye, sir," said the poor fellow, smiling. "Moray's come with me to look you up."

The Italian ship had a crew of thirty men, nearly three times as many as the Alert, which was afterwards on the coast, and was of the same size; yet the Alert would get under way and come-to in half the time, and get two anchors, while they were all talking at once, jabbering like a parcel of ``Yahoos, and running about decks to find their cat-block.

"Let him note that in his log-book, Mr Ark," the irritable old seaman then resumed, returning to the spot which Wilder had not left during the intervening time. "Though my cook has no great relish for a frog, they who would taste of his skill must seek him. By the Lord, boy, he will have a pull of it, if he undertake to come-to on that tack. But how happens it that you got into his ship?

She had evidently more on her than she could bear; yet it was in vain to try to take it in, the clew-line was not strong enough, and they were thinking of cutting away, when another wide yaw and a come-to snapped the guys, and the swinging boom came in with a crash against the lower rigging.

She had evidently more on her than she could bear; yet it was in vain to try to take it in the clewline was not strong enough; and they were thinking of cutting away, when another wide yaw and a come-to, snapped the guys, and the swinging boom came in, with a crash, against the lower rigging.

And so fell into a swoon, as you have seen, because that she did suffer an hundred deaths as she did stand so brave, waiting to be slain, for the blow did be so long delayed, yet to come in any moment. And I gat her to come-to unto her life again, and I set the lovely tale very swift to ease her, and surely with love and warmth, and kist her with a great joy.

"Come-to, sir, on the same tack with the ship, and I will hasten to order the accommodation-ladder rigged, to receive our guests!"

But as her head swept sluggishly round and she began, with apparent difficulty, to come-to, her mainmast went over the side, and she fell off again without having fired a single gun.