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Well, what is it?" "He is wrong with the trade again." "What is that to me? Ah! sit down, Cole, and tell me." Cole let him know the case, and assured him that, sooner or later, if threats did not prevail, the Union would go any length. "Should you be employed?" "If it was a dangerous job, they'd prefer me." Mr. Coventry looked at his trunks, and then at Sam Cole. A small voice whispered "Fly."

"If that light keeps up, they're bound to git us," said Seth Cole. "But it won't keep up," said Henry. "Swim, boys! Swim with all your might! It's not Indians alone that we've got to dodge!" Tired as they were, they increased their speed by a supreme effort for a minute or so, and then as if by the same impulse all looked back.

We four'll stop at my house, an' then you can talk it over." Elvin obeyed, like a child tired of his own way. When they packed themselves into the wagon, where Dilly insisted on sitting behind, to make room, the Tiverton and Sudleigh people stood about in groups, to watch them. Hiram Cole came forward, just as Elvin took up the reins.

Grant Weeks, in spite of the dignity that his King Cole suit gave him, looked very limp as he sat down on the bench. All he seemed to be able to say was, "Sally Ladd you you " The rest was lost in groans. Up until now Chuck had not spoken. He had stood looking at all the girls in turn, and particularly at Phyllis and Janet.

But as luck would have it, Cole got hold of him to take a vacant place in his own band for calcio, and since then he has been using his muscles rather than his brain, and an excellent good thing, too. He is just the man to get into trouble with the authorities, albeit he may not hold half the 'heresies' of others who escape."

The thought of this, though she didn't suppose the tramp to be aware of it, was enough to terrify Mrs. Cole, and she sank back in the chair in a panic. Of course the tramp inferred that there was a considerable sum in the house. "Come, hurry up!" he said, roughly, "I can't wait here all day. Where do you keep the money?" "It is my husband's," said Mrs. Cole, terrified out of all prudence.

Westcot, and John Cole, officers or soldiers in the late Rebellion, were indicted for conspiring the death of his Majesty and the overthrow of the Government. Having laid their plot and contrivance for the surprisal of the Tower, the killing his Grace the Lord General, Sir John Robinson, Lieutenant of the Tower, and Sir Richard Brown; and then to have declared for an equal division of lands, &c.

It was devoted exclusively to physics, and principally the physics of destruction. Dr. Paul Devin was the Director, Cole was in charge of the technical work, and Buck Kendall was free to do all the work he thought needed doing. Returned to his laboratory, he looked sourly at the bench on which seven mechanicians were working.

Gradually the Arapahoes seated themselves on the bank of a small stream in little groups, and then the chief saw who it was that had succeeded him in command it was his best friend the brave and good Eagle. "Stay here, till I return," whispered the chief to Cole, and then folding his arms over his brawny chest, he walked with a proud step into their midst.

Charlie Williams, who was at that time a member of our company, was corresponding with Brother Warner. In his letters Brother Warner would say, "God bless you, Brother Charlie!" but he would never say, "God bless you. Sister Kaser and Sister Cole!" At that time the enemy was coming against our souls with terrible accusing power, and we felt that we needed a blessing very much.