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It was three o'clock when the scores were settled, and, the chief leading with a lantern, we tramped through the great cocoanut-grove to his residence. Landers and I each took a bed, I being warned to be forehanded by my experience in Moorea, where I slept on the floor. The chief retired, and Polonsky went off with his arm about his inamorata's waist, she having apparently awaited his return.

He had died in this very room. To save his face in death she would give back even her interest in the Golden Bed, she would pledge all that Great Fern possessed, if I would give her only a few matches. Her pleas could only be hopeless. There was not a match in the cabin. Together we returned to the cocoanut-grove.

Hiva-oa was without a government. All day the madness raged in the cocoanut-grove. In the afternoon the vicar apostolic of the Roman Catholic Church, supported by the faithful Deacon Fariuu, himself toiled up the slope to stop the game. The bishop was received in sullen silence by regular communicants.

It led me down the trail, across the brook, and up the slope into the dense green growth of the mountain-side. Beyond I saw lights in the cocoanut-grove of Lam Kai Oo. My bare feet made no noise, and through the undergrowth I peered upon as odd a sight as ever pleased a lover of the bizarre.

With cries of delight we drove into a great cocoanut-grove, and a thousand feet back from the Broom Road emerged into a sunlit, but shady, clearing. Huro! the banquet was already being spread. From different parts of the plantation men came bearing huge platters of roasted pig, chicken, taro, breadfruit, and feis, with bamboo tubes of the taiaro sauce like the reeds of a great pipe-organ.

At the Gospel she came in, walking slowly down the aisle and taking her place as though unaware of the hundred covert glances that followed her. Wealth is comparative, and Mademoiselle N , with perhaps a few hundred thousand dollars in cash and cocoanut-grove, stood to the island people as Rockefeller to us.

Only in the cocoanut-grove the candlenuts were lit as the stars peeped through the roof of the world. A throng surrounded the pair of combatants. The worn cards had been oiled and dried, and though the ominous faces of the tiki upon them shone bravely, doubtless they were weary of strife.

The thumb-screw and rack of Christendom struck with horror those of my cannibal friends to whom I mentioned them. The memorable game for the matches in the cocoanut-grove of Lam Kai Oo. Parables are commonly found in books.

After the most arduous climb, when lungs and muscles ache with weariness, it freshens strength and lifts the spirit. By the cocoanut-grove ran a level stream shaded with pandanus, and following it, we commenced again to mount on a pathway arched by small trees, down which the stream coursed.

But where was one to look for her? "We might try the pool-rooms," suggested the chauffeur. Percival looked at him blankly, then he remembered. "Take me to a hat shop," he said peremptorily. When they arrived at Waikiki Beach he got out of the motor with more alacrity than was habitual to him, and entered the cocoanut-grove.