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In this difficulty the management conceived the idea of forming a military regiment. Most beneficial results immediately followed. The men began to walk with more erect carriage and to respond to quick words of command. Besides this, the open-air exercise developed their lung-power and stimulated their circulatory system.

In renal insufficiency associated with cardiac insufficiency, its action is subject to careful watching. If there is marked advanced interstitial nephritis, digitalis may not work satisfactorily and must be used with caution. If, on the other hand, a large part of the kidney trouble is due to the passive congestion caused by circulatory weakness, digitalis will be valuable.

The drugs named as cardiac stimulants, however, camphor, alcohol and ammonia, do not leave a heart better than they found it they are not cardiac tonics. Camphor: This is one of the best cardiac stimulants that we possess. It is a quickly acting nervous and circulatory stimulant, acting principally on the cerebrum and causing a dilation of the peripheral blood vessels.

But pure water is stale and flat to such a mouth: something more emphatic is needed. Thus comes the unnatural craving for alcoholic liquors, and thus are taken the first steps on the downward grade. "There is no doubt that tobacco predisposes to neuralgia, vertigo, indigestion, and other affections of the nervous, circulatory and digestive organs."

Such patients sometimes rapidly improve when their previous circulatory weakness has been a subject of serious worry. Even such patients who were actually collapsed have been saved by the use of tobacco. Whether the tobacco in a given patient shall be withdrawn absolutely, or only modified in amount, depends entirely on the individual case.

Without this normal hormone for the activity of the sympathetic nervous system, there would be a disturbance of skin and circulatory reactions that would interfere with the normal heat loss. Suggestive evidence to support this view comes from the frequency with which the extremities are cyanotic or cold, the skin greasy, sweating profuse or absent, and so on.

On the other hand, if a person is nervously tired, irritable, or even muscularly weary, a cigar or several cigarets will increase his blood pressure, take away his circulatory tire, soothe his irritability, and stop temporarily his muscular pains or aches and muscle weariness.

Our moving powers the muscles and tendons have, indeed, much to do with generating our heat; but it is principally by the assistance which they render to the digestive, the nutritive, the respiratory, the circulatory, and the thinking machinery.

Additional causes are found in the circulatory disturbances in the pelvic organs, whereby the outflow of blood from the pelvic vessels is hindered a chronic congestion in the uterine vessels is produced. It has also been attributed to early and profuse menstruation, frequent and difficult labors, frequent abortions, and excess in drinking.

The speed of the machine, which is commonly from four to five thousand ems per hour, but which has reached ten thousand and upward in competitive trials, is due to the fact that the matrices pursue a circulatory course, leaving the magazine at the lower end, passing thence to the line and to the casting mechanism, and finally returning to the top of the magazine.