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They were soon induced to listen to their artful temptress; and the daughter, dazzled by the glittering prospect held out to her, was induced to accompany madame back to Trianon, where the king was to sup, in company with the ducs d'Aiguillon and de Richelieu, the prince de Soubise, the ducs de Cosse, de Duras, and de Noailles, mesdames de Mirepoix, de Forcalquier, de Flaracourt, and myself; my brother-in-law and Chon were also of the party, although not among the number of those who sat down to supper.

"You don't know his address?" "No, I heart he was livin' mit your sister Kate." "Donahue's in a saloon, I reckon." "Always. He tondt know nodding else. You can fint him in the directory Chon Donahue, barkeep." "All right. Much obleeged." Haney looked around. "I don't suppose any of the boys are livin' here now?" "Von or two.

We were now fairly in the Winnebago country, and I soon learned that the odd-sounding name of the place was derived from the principal chief of the nation, whose residence it was. The inhabitants were absent, having, in all probability, departed to their wintering grounds. We here took leave of our friend Wish-tay-yun, at the borders of whose country we had now arrived. "Bon-jour, Chon!"

They all evinced the utmost sorrow, and both Chon and my niece protested that with the king's permission, they would willingly attend me in my seclusion. I felt grateful for this mark of attachment; then sending for the exempt, I inquired whether I might be allowed sufficient time to write a letter, and cause a few necessary preparations to be made?

We separated without much emotion on either side. He next took leave of Chon and his daughter-in-law. The former wept bitterly, for she was a most excellent and amiable girl but the latter, who knew but too much of the villainy of her father-in-law, could scarcely repress her joy at his departure.

Hercules, Chon, Melkarth, Dorsanes, Thor and others were of the most ancient divinities in Greece, Egypt, Phœnicia, India, and Scandinavia, and were all embodiments of physical force. Such, too, was largely the character of the Algonkin Messou, who scooped out the great lakes with his hands and tore up the largest trees by the roots.

"Tis I, my sister," replied Chon, "M. de Chamilly is here, anxious to speak with you upon a matter of great importance." Chamilly, who was close behind mademoiselle du Barry, begged to be admitted. "What is the matter, Chamilly?" cried I, "and what do you want? Is mademoiselle Julie to set off into the country immediately?" "Alas! madam," replied Chamilly, "his majesty is extremely ill."

"Madame," replied the chancellor, "I will evince my gratitude to the duke by not delivering such a message"; and the chancellor went out. M. de Maupeou came to tell me the whole of this conversation, which <Chon> wrote down under his dictation, that I might show it to the king.

As soon as the meal was over, Asako went to bed. She was tired out by an orgy of sight-seeing and new impressions. Geoffrey said that he would have a short walk and a smoke before turning in. He took the road which led towards the harbour of Nagasaki. Chonkina, Chonkina, Chon, Chon, Kina, Kina, Yokohama, Nagasaki, Hakodate Hoi!

"Perhaps," answered comte Jean roughly, "you would prefer " "Nothing from your lips if you please, my polite brother," cried I, interrupting him, "nothing you will say in your present humour can be at all to my taste." Chon interfered between us, and effected a reconciliation, which I was the more willing to listen to, that I might enjoy that sleep my weary eye-lids craved for.