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About nine Piker, which was the name the stranger had handed in, sez, "Do you gentlemen ever indulge in a little friendly game?" Now Dick had never throwed a card in his life, to my knowin'. The ol' man used to play some, but he was mighty choicy who he played with; while I well, o' course, I played.

If the mills on the Tennessee side is too choicy to take 'em and I know well as you, Johnnie, that they air; their man Connors told me so I can hire 'em over at the Victory, on the Georgy side." The Victory! A mill notorious in the district for its ancient, unsanitary buildings, its poor management, its bad treatment of its hands.

Possibly it would be easier with them alone than if Nancy Ellen were present. "It is mine," she said. "It represents my first purchase on my own hook and line." "You are not very choicy to begin on second-hand stuff. Nancy Ellen would have had a new one." "No doubt!" said Kate. "But this will do for me." Her father lowered his paper and asked harshly: "What did you buy that thing for?"

I have been choicy and whimmy about my eating since I came back here and mostly my meals have revolted me and I have left the triclinium practically unfed, whereas I have often been seized with imperative hunger between meals. I have an overabundant supply of all sorts of tempting cold viands up here."

She made two or three hurried visits to Compiegne, which was threatened by both parties of the enemy; at one time raising the siege of Choicy, near Compiegne, in company with the Archbishop of Rheims, a strange brother in arms.

"We don't find a man's saddle an' bridle for him," sez he. "I got mine cached over at Danders," sez I, recallin' the ones I had left there before I went into business. "What's your name?" sez he. "I ain't nowise choicy," sez I, "call me anything you want." "I guess you won't do," sez he, ridin' on into Danders. I reached it myself about two hours later, an' went to the hotel.

What I mostly wanted was a heap of variety, an' when the number is limited to two, a feller has to be some choicy; but I reckon I got the best the' was. There'd been a little light-haired feller there all season, kind o' gettin' familiar with labor, like. He was no account to work, he couldn't even learn to tie a knot; but he talked kin' o' blotchy, an' it was divertin' to listen to him.