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Said he had been chased all the way from Chesham by a pink rat with yellow spots. Advised him to go to bed. Set him an example. 1.10. a.m. Heard somebody in the pantry. 2.10. a.m. Heard Private Merited going upstairs to bed. 2.16 a.m. Heard Private Merited still going upstairs to bed. 2.20-3.15. a.m. Heard Private Merited getting to bed. April 3, 12.30 a.m.

There did the leader of the Chesham men begin, and afterwards Pitchford's soldiers set in; and I alone disputed with them from morning until almost night; for I knew their trick, that if I had gone out first, they would have prated what boasting words they listed, and made the people believe that they had baffled me, or got the best; therefore I stayed it out till they first rose and went away."

The infantry, so dense a mass when marching, were now strung out in long lines sweeping towards the left, and Lord Chesham with two squadrons had also gone far to the left, to try to get round the position. Up rides a staff officer. "Shell that ridge on the left." "Right, sir. Sight for 1,800. Fuse six no, six and a half," says the nervous subaltern. "Fire, number one gun! Fire, number two gun!"

And then the six men departed also; and after much careful scouting, we rode victoriously over the kopje. If we had attacked on the right flank also, we should probably have caught them, as Lord Chesham would in a little longer have got round to their rear and cut them off. Of course, the whole difficulty in such cases arises from the invisible fire of smokeless powder.

One never knows whether the banging is produced by six men firing briskly or by sixty firing slowly, and that was why Lord Chesham had to tire out his horses by taking them round twelve miles to avoid six men. Our only "casualty" was carried out of action in a stretcher he was a member of the volunteer company of the Northamptons.

Two days before Lord Chesham had conducted a reconnaissance with his cavalry, to which I had been invited, and at which he had promised me "fine sport." "Butterflies" was someone's description of these elusive enemies of ours; and when one considers what a fine chase they gave us, and how hot and cross we became in the course of it, the description seems not inapt.

One had taken place at Walker's, the principal jewellers in the High Street; another at the Grand Hotel, where a popular London dancer, Cora Anatolia by name, had been robbed of all her jewellery; and now this one of which Hilary had just read, when Colonel Baker's house, Chesham Lodge, had been broken into. And in each case the thieves had got clear away.

As usual in such cases, both parties claimed the victory. Baxter got thanks only from the King's adherents; "Pitchford's troops and the leader of the Chesham men" retired from their hard day's work, to enjoy the countenance and favor of Cromwell, as men after his own heart, faithful to the Houses and the Word, against kingcraft and prelacy.

Foreign Securities in which English money has been expended Assurances of support to Lord George The Irish Members in a dilemma The Irish Party continue to meet Meeting at the Premier's in Chesham Place Smith O'Brien waits on Lord George The Government stake their existence on postponing the second reading of Lord Bentinck's Bill Why? Hudson's Speech The Chancellor going on no authority Mr.

Filled with pity for all who were so gallantly fighting at the seat of war, it was the yeomen called suddenly from peaceful pursuits to serve their country in her day of distress who claimed their deepest sympathies, and, with the object of establishing a hospital for this force at the front, Lady Georgiana Curzon and Lady Chesham, on December 29, 1899, appealed to the British public for subscriptions.