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I would take the ceremony bonâ fide, and play my part as naturally as possible. We drove through Siegfried's game-park, and at the cascades I was expected by Baron Muckicza, the other witness. "You are expected like the Messiah by the Jews," he cried, and leaped up to me without stopping the vehicle. "Cenni and Siegfried are in the chapel already."

Cenimagni, or Iceni, an ancient people of Britain, inhabiting the counties of Suffolk, Norfolk, Cambridgeshire, and Huntingdonshire Cenis Mons, that part of the Alps which separates Savoy from Piedmont Cenni, an ancient people of Celtic extraction Cerauni Montes, Mountains of Epirus, Monti di Chimera

That kind soul is with her at such times, administering to her comforts, smoothing her pillows, etc., and in return she is allowed to read Flammarion, or one of Verne's harmless fictions, in the adjoining sitting-room. On such days Cenni is entirely at liberty, and not watched by anybody, because that sleepy governess the girls have is hardly worth mentioning. Now listen.

Yes, I have despised you; for I was told, and I believed it, that money was all that you cared for, and your own words have confirmed me in this opinion. Do you remember, after you had told Cenni and me the story of your friend, you spoke of the qualities of the girl whom you might marry? She must be young and beautiful, and wealthy and luxurious.

The Capuchin monk, who is to perform the ceremony, is Seestern, the famous German actor, who is here under an assumed name, as he does not want to be pestered to play or amuse the others." My hands trembled, but I kept on and said "Siegfried has sworn to me that he is madly in love with Countess Cenni, and that he will marry her, come what may." "What for?" "What a question!

I remembered now how confused they looked, Cenni and she, when I related to them the story of my friend, and how I had prided myself on my own prudence and good sense! And the trap was already laid for me, and I, who had thought myself safe from every such danger, here was I, on my wedding night, left alone, insulted, degraded as he was. No, not quite.

Of him it was said that, even as a man, he obeyed every command of his mother, but could never be made to obey that of any potentate of the world." "Is that paragon of a man alive yet?" asked Cenni. "He is. Only he is an old eagle now, for our friendship dates from the time when he gave me a ride on his knees, while I blew the whistle he had brought me.

"Oh, that is nothing," said Cenni, lightly, "and that may be spoken of; but the 'step-ladder, the 'Sultan of Morocco, and the 'sea-dove' are strict secrets, and never to be mentioned anywhere." Siegfried clapped his hands in surprise.

My dear boy, even a friend has something that he wants to keep for himself and does not want to share with his dearest friend his love! You are making love to Cenni, although you must have seen that I am over ears in love with her myself." "I have seen nothing of the kind, and I give you my word that I never thought of making love to her."

So, if Cenni invites you, which no doubt she will, you need not be afraid of want of game." I was dazzled, flattered, and surprised. What a difference between these ladies of the high aristocracy and the daughters of our country gentry! As if they really belonged to a different world, lived on a different planet. One of them assuming the lead in politics, another bear-hunting and photographing.