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Close to the Arsenal on the Quai des Célestins are the remains of the once celebrated Convent of the Célestins, and of their small church which after that of St. Denis contained more tombs of illustrious individuals than any in Paris. It was particularly remarked for the chapel d'Orléans, which enclosed the remains of the brother of Charles VI and his descendants.

It was the Duke de Tresmes, governor of Paris and marshal of France. It began on foot from his palace to his parish-church, and from thence in coaches to the opposite end of Paris, to be interred in the church of the Celestins, where is his family-vault.

"The horse of M. Gilles Godin, the notary at the Chatelet, took fright at the Flemings and their procession, and overturned Master Philippe Avrillot, lay monk of the Celestins." "Really?" "Actually." "A bourgeois horse! 'tis rather too much! If it had been a cavalry horse, well and good!" And the windows were closed. But Gringoire had lost the thread of his ideas, nevertheless.

These four edifices filled the space from the Rue des Nonaindieres, to the abbey of the Celestins, whose spire gracefully relieved their line of gables and battlements.

Louis was a steadfast friend to the religious orders. On his return from the Holy Land he brought with him six monks from Mount Carmel and established them on the north bank of the Seine, near the present Quai des Célestins; they were subsequently transferred to the University quarter, on a site now occupied by the Marché aux Carmes.

We shall now land on the Quay des Célestins, and explore the north-east quarter of Paris, beginning with the Arsenal which contains a library of 200,000 printed volumes, and 6,000 manuscripts, amongst which are some beautiful missals.

In the meantime, the municipal cavalry on the left bank had been set in motion, and came to bar the bridge, on the right bank the dragoons emerged from the Celestins and deployed along the Quai Morland. The men who were dragging Lafayette suddenly caught sight of them at the corner of the quay and shouted: "The dragoons!"

AMEILHON, of the Institute, is Administrator; and SAUGRAIN, Conservator. Before I quit this library, you will, doubtless expect me to say something of the place from which it derives its appellation; namely, It is a pile of building, forming several courts between the Quai des Celestins and the Place de la Liberte, formerly the Place de la Bastille.

Bonaparte on recognizing the lady stopped his carriage and congratulated her on the gallant conduct of her husband at the battle of Marengo. On our arrival at Lyons we alighted at the Hotel des Celestins, and the loud acclamations of a numerous multitude assembled round the hotel obliged Bonaparte to show himself on the balcony.

The errand-boy next door has a little pointed beard, I have seen him pass every day with a young person in a pink bonnet on his arm; to-day I saw him pass, and he had a gun on his arm. Mame Bacheux says, that last week there was a revolution at at at where's the calf! at Pontoise. And then, there you see him, that horrid scamp, with his pistol! It seems that the Celestins are full of pistols.