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They had no accommodation that night for Anton; consequently, for that first night Cecile's treasure was tolerably free from danger. And now occurred that event which I must consider the direct intervention of the Guide Jesus on Cecile's behalf. This event was nothing more nor less than a dream. Now anyone may dream.

Neither the Camusots nor the Popinots had sent him notice of Cecile's wedding. On the Boulevard des Italiens Pons saw M. Cardot coming towards them.

Of all the common and unimportant things under the sun, dreams in our present day rank as the commonest, the most unimportant. No one thinks about dreams. People, if they have got any reputation for wisdom, do not even care to mention them. Quite true, but there are dreams and dreams; and I still hold to my belief that Cecile's dream was really sent to her direct from heaven.

He is coming, Cecile; he is not far away at this very moment, and before the evening is over he will be with us." Tears filled Cecile's eyes but she rose quietly and said, trying to speak lightly: "The night mist is rising from the river, mother dear. Had we not better turn our faces toward the east and home?" "You are right, child, it will be as well for us to go home a little early to-night.

"I can't help knowing it, monsieur, for yesterday at Madame Marion's, Madame Beauvisage said openly that Monsieur Grevin, Cecile's grandfather, would give his granddaughter the hotel de Beauseant in Paris and two hundred thousand francs for a wedding present." The stranger's eyes expressed no surprise. He seemed to consider the fortune rather paltry. "Do you know Arcis well?" he asked of Goulard.

The people in the village of Moulleau did not care for boys who played the fiddle, and dogs that tried clumsily to accompany it. They looked with a fine lack of sympathy at Cecile's pathetic blue eyes, and Maurice was nothing more to them than a rather dirty little sunburnt boy.

Moseley's motherly care, joined to a slight degree of wholesome discipline, was subduing the little faults of selfishness which his previous life as Cecile's sole charge could not but engender. It is to be regretted that Toby, hitherto, perhaps, the most perfect character of the three, should in these few weeks of prosperity degenerate the most.

Cecile was to have been Vicomtesse Keller, for Charles, by my influence, would now have been selected deputy. Neither Gondreville nor his daughter Madame Keller would have refused Cecile's dot of sixty thousand francs a year, especially with the prospect of a hundred thousand more which she will some day have from you.

Malet sat most of the day in Cecile's room, and Maurice came in and out, and now and then an old woman, with an upright figure and French face, came and stood by the bedside and spoke softly and lovingly, but in a tone Cecile could not understand, and a lovely little boy was brought in once a day by his proud young mother, and suffered to give Cecile one kiss before he was taken away again.

Ay, and both Cécile's children must be amused, made joyful, while they still could enjoy life Rupert was right right in all he said but he, Adrian, could not be there to see. That was beyond his endurance.