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Such a work of fiction as "The Caxtons" refreshes and invigorates the mind by its perusal; and virtue becomes beautiful for its own sake.

Ronald, whose busy brush had been brought to a stand-still by an unusually dark day, when he returned to his apartments, found his friend reading Bulwer's "Caxtons." Maurice was leaning with both elbows upon the table, his fingers plunged through his disordered hair, his brows almost fiercely contracted, and his wan face bent over the volume before him.

He continued his literary labours with almost unabated energy until the end of his life, his works later than those already mentioned including the Last of the Barons , Harold , the famous triad of The Caxtons , My Novel , and What will he do with it? ; and his studies in the supernatural, Zanoni , and A Strange Story . Later still were The Coming Race and Kenelm Chillingly . To the drama he contributed three plays which still enjoy popularity, The Lady of Lyons, Richelieu, both , and Money . In poetry he was less successful.

After some little trouble, however, the thing was satisfactorily arranged. Even here, to this lone nook of the western world, had reached the fame of the Caxtons of modern times. Aught that bore the name of Chambers, had a place in our collection, and the busy fingers of the little Edinburgh 'devils' have brightened the solitude of many a home on the banks of the Washedemoak.

What a descent from "Hamlet" to "Titus Andronicus," from "Othello" to "Cymbeline"! Miss Bronté writes "Jane Eyre," and fails ever afterwards to come up to her own standard. Bulwer delights us with "The Caxtons," and then sinks to the dulness of "The Strange Story." Dickens gives us "Oliver Twist," and then tries the patience of confiding readers in "Martin Chuzzlewit."

"Public employment, sir," said I, boldly; "the service of my country." "If that be the case," quoth Roland, "have not a word to say. But I should have thought that for a lad of spirit, a descendant of the old De Caxtons, the army would have " "The army!" exclaimed my mother, clasping her hands, and looking involuntarily at my uncle's cork leg. "The army!" repeated my father, peevishly.

Squills or on us, I am not sure that he does not think it a conspiracy of all three to settle the representation of the martial De Caxtons on the "spindle side." Whosoever be the right person to blame, an omission so fatal to the straight line in the pedigree is rectified at last, and Mrs.

Meanwhile the English nurse who, in spite of all that could render her abode odious to her, had, from strong love to her charge, stoutly maintained her post died, a few weeks after Ramouna's mother; and no healthful influence remained to counteract those baneful ones to which the heir of the honest old Caxtons was subject. But Roland returned home in a humor to be pleased with all things.

Largely, however, they were fiction, and I read all the novels of Bulwer, for whom I had already a great liking from 'The Caxtons' and 'My Novel. I was dazzled by them, and I thought him a great writer, if not so great a one as he thought himself.

The library, a fine room panelled with mahogany, contains many treasures, notably three Caxtons The History of Reynard the Fox, 1481; The Chronicles of England, 1482; and The Golden Legend, 1493: the first and second folios of Shakespeare: and many examples one printed on vellum of Froissart's Chronicles. There is also a fifteenth-century manuscript of Gower's Confessio Amantis.