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I want you to take my boat." He put the cup down and seized her hands and kissed them. She crouched against the cave's side, her eyes closed. If he was only grateful to her for bread and shelter and means of escape, it was little enough she received, but his warm touch and his lips on her palms for he kissed her palms made her none the less dizzy. "Listen to me," said Marianson.

And Millwaters was in the police-court, meditatively sucking peppermint lozenges in a corner, when Mr. Cave was unexpectedly asked to give evidence; he was there, too, until Mr. Cave left the court. Cave's remarkable story ran off Millwaters' mentality like raindrops off a steep roof. It mattered nothing to him.

Something about the hillside, some association of ideas, perhaps the view of a gnarled honey-suckle-bush where he had gathered flowers in his childhood, set his memory working, and there flashed upon him the incident of the cave, and what he had left concealed there when he went into the army. He looked for the cave's entrance, but saw none. The matter began to interest him.

Cave's reports continued for two years unmolested, when the House of Commons endeavored to put an end to them.

When darkness finally came Wiles continued to replenish the fire and supply the necessary water from a running stream. His boon companion threw himself down on some cedar boughs within the cave's mouth and was soon asleep. His watch would come later on. While this precious pair of "wildcatters" are thus employed, a good opportunity is given us to describe their retreat.

A few of the inquisitive among these mounted to the giddy height of the cave's seaward-mouth, and seemed to gaze in surprise at the unwonted sight of man. "A most suitable cavern for a hermit or a monk," said Brown. "More fit for a monkey," said Martin. "Not a bad place of refuge in case our retreat should be discovered," observed Christian.

A fire smoldered in the cave's black throat, and meat mutton-bones- -roasted on a sharpened stake thrust into a crevice of the rock. An old woman, wasted and wrinkled, wrapped in a yellow-gray wolfskin lined with lamb's wool, lay on a pile of leaves near the fire, and savage heads emerging from the undergrowth might have been those of wolves, or of men in the guise of wolves.

After cutting our bonds the savage pointed to the cave's mouth, and we marched, almost mechanically, into the open air. Here, to our surprise, we found the teacher standing under a tree, with his hands clasped before him, and the tears trickling down his dark cheeks.

As it was again high tide, we rowed in to the steep shore inside the cave's mouth and beached the boat. The place was full of seals; we could hear them bellowing. "Two of you stand here," shouted Handy Solomon, "and take them as they go out. We'll go in and scare 'em down to you." "They'll run over us," screamed Pulz. "No, they won't. You can dodge up the sides when they go by."

Look here we've got to do something, and at once!" But Millwaters shook his head. "Not my job, Mr. Perkwite!" he answered. "My business is with the man Cave! I've nothing to do with Miss Wickham, sir, nor with the old lady that's taken her in there. Cave's my mark! Queer that the young lady's gone there, no doubt, but no affair of mine." "It's going to be an affair of mine, then," said Perkwite.