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By this time the brother had returned, bringing with him coffee, a pillow, and a large coverlet made entirely of cat-skins. A deep bed of hay was spread upon the floor, a coarse linen sheet thrown over it, and, with the soft fur covering, we had a sumptuous bed. About midnight we were awakened by an arrival.

And I tumbled him over on to the top of her. Then her senses left her, and whether she ever found them again I do not know. At least she grew quiet for that time. For me, I snatched up the rug afterwards I found it was Noma's best kaross, made by Basutos of chosen cat-skins, and worth three oxen and I fled, followed by Koos.

"I deal in cat-skins among other general matters, and hers was offered to me. It's a very fine skin, as you may see, but I didn't have it stripped off! THAT warn't like Chancery practice though, says you!" He had by this time led us across the shop, and now opened a door in the back part of it, leading to the house-entry.

The cat-skins are all right. The coyote ain't worth much." "All right. I I'm needin' the money right now," stammered Pete "or I'd give 'em to you." "How you making it?" queried Roth. "Fine! But I was thinkin' o' makin' a change. Sheep is all right but I'm sick o' the smell of 'em. Montoya is all right, too. It ain't that."

The men, nearly naked, with goat or cat-skins depending from their girdles, and smeared with war-colours according to the taste of each individual, one half of the body red or black, the other blue, in irregular order; as, for instance, one leg would be red, the other black, whilst the upper part would be the opposite colours, and so with the chest and arms.

It is a most unusual proceeding, your Majesty! the Head-Growler exclaimed, almost choking with vexation at being set aside, for he had put on his best Court-suit, made entirely of cat-skins, for the occasion. "I shall escort them myself," his Majesty repeated, gently but firmly, laying aside the Royal robes, and changing his crown for a small coronet, "and you may stay at home." "I are glad!"

The dress of the people is simple, consisting of small black monkey skins, cat-skins, and the furs of any vermin they can get. These are tucked under a waist-strap, and, according to the number they possess, go completely or only half-way round the body, the animals' heads hanging in front, and the tails always depending gracefully below.

His white war ornaments the ball of clipped feathers on his brow, and the long white cow's-tail plume which depended from his arms and knees contrasted strongly with his rich brown skin. His kilt of wild cat-skins and monkeys' tails swayed round his loins. His left hand bore his assegais and knobkerrie beneath the great dappled ox-hide shield; and in his right a yellow walking-staff.

A fellow in our town he's two years old now wanted a buffalo robe for his sleigh, and undertook to make it out of cat-skins. He advertised that he'd give ten cents for every cat-skin the boys would bring him.