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Looking towards the casements of the attic in the opposite house, Gawtrey said, mutteringly, "I wonder where Birnie has been, and why he has not returned. I grow suspicious of that man." "Suspicious of what?" asked Morton. "Of his honesty? Would he rob you?" "Rob me! Humph perhaps! but you see I am in Paris, in spite of the hints of the police; he may denounce me."

To remedy this, Nosey increased the one and curtailed the other, and the Gothic oak-painted windows and door flew from their positions to make way for modern plate-glass in rich pea-green casements, and a door of similar hue.

Oh! what a scene was that! The wind blew, and great drops of rain fell on the casements.

"Where does Mademoiselle sleep?" said I. "In the same chamber with Monsieur and Madame; it is a double-bedded room, on the first floor, fronting the road; you might have observed the casements of it shaded with the barberry tree. But you seem curious as to Mademoiselle. Perhaps there is a petite affaire of the heart between you.

Letters, glances, sighs, had passed across the street, from palace to palace at the Venetian casements under the darkly-ivied archway of the Moorish garden at the cathedral in the gray evening light, or in the earliest glow of summer mornings and this, so seldom!

The action, vehement and tumultuous as it is, takes place entirely within the walls of Östraat castle, a mysterious edifice, sombre and ancient, built on a crag over the ocean, and dimly lighted by Magic casements opening on the foam Of perilous seas in fairy lands forlorn.

As to the money the fellow robbed me of, I shall try to recover that, though the loss won't in the least embarrass me." "How do you think Ranney will try to get into the room?" "Through the window. The casements are loose, and nothing could be easier." Walter went to the window and found that there was no way of fastening it. "I think we could fasten it with a knife."

The billiard-room, that addition of yours, can be turned into a chapel. And the casements of the dreadful bow-window might be removed; and instead of the present flat roof a sloping tiled roof might be carried up against the wall of the house. The cloisters would come at the back of the chapel. His mother bit her thin lips, and her face tightened in an expression of settled grief.

She had no lack of courage, this pupil of the Flemish nuns, and her footstep did not falter as she went quickly up the broad staircase until she found herself in a spacious gallery, and amidst a flood of light, for the windows on this upper or noble floor were all unshuttered, and the sunset streamed in through the lofty Italian casements.

When they had succeeded, six men entered with torches, and showed the way through a narrow and winding passage, commanded at different points by shot holes from vaults and casements constructed behind, and in the thickness of the massive walls.