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And this morning you look absolutely ill with worry, your forehead is seamed with wrinkles of care and anxiety, and positively you are turning grey about the temples." And as she spoke these last words her fingers lightly and as it seemed to me caressingly touched me on the temples.

"Of course, dear, I understand," she said, pressing her friend's arm caressingly. "I am so sorry you have been ill. You look quite pale, Margaret." The two girls were standing in Margaret's sitting-room, adjoining her bedroom.

Before they could add a word she had turned with a pirouette to the door, and fled, presenting herself a moment later in the drawing-room to the three ladies, whom she surveyed with a whimsical smile in silence. "Well?" said Mrs. Jansenius peremptorily. "Well, dear?" said Mrs. Trefusis, caressingly. Mrs. Wylie stifled a sob and looked imploringly at her daughter.

He had a pleasant, vibrant voice, whose metallic ring was softened and muted by the Irish accent which in all his wanderings he had never lost. It was a voice that could woo seductively and caressingly, or command in such a way as to compel obedience. Indeed, the man's whole nature was in that voice of his.

She placed her right hand on my forehead, and held my right hand in her own. "Sleep," she said "sleep well and dreamlessly, man with the strong will to accomplish all that is before thee. Sleep." Her hand passed caressingly oyer my face, and in a few minutes I was asleep, and slept as I had not slept for many weeks past.

That was all, except that Henderson had paid two thousand dollars to one Harris Collins, and had found the investment the finest he had ever made. Villa turned back to the dog. "Michael," she called, caressingly, almost in a whisper. And Michael's eyes partly opened, the base-muscles of his ears stiffened, and his body quivered. "Michael," she repeated.

But the two brothers in their green covert gave heed to nothing except the one thing upon which their hearts were set and their nerves tensed. Joel gently shoved his gun-barrels across the log, cuddling the stock to his shoulder and slipping two fingers caressingly back and forth upon the triggers. Jake held the narrow dugout steady by a grip upon a fox-grape tendril.

He had no proper appliances, and the evil was too serious to be remedied by his simple skill. Even as he made the attempt the gallant beast swayed, staggered, and then sank with a groan to the ground. Almost sobbing with grief and dismay, Ridge flung himself beside her and threw an arm caressingly across her neck. "Poor old girl! Dear old girl!" he cried.

You want some moss-rosebuds for to-night, and you won't get them for nothing! You dine at the Austrian Embassy, and that Frenchman is to powder your hair. You 're to come home in time to receive, for the signora gives a dance. And so away, away till morning!" "Ah, yes, the moss-roses!" Christina murmured, caressingly. "I must have a quantity at least a hundred. Nothing but buds, eh?

The water of the bay lay blue and smiling roundabout the Hills: the scrub oak, the blueberries, the luxuriant wild rose, and variegated grasses made color so exquisite and rare, that the only wonder was that the Hills were not crowded with adoring Nature-worshippers. The never-ceasing breeze came caressingly over the flower-strewn stretches.