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"You're trying to tell me something, but you're getting off the course. Just you tell me calm-like what it's all about. The fust thing to do is to get our bearings. Has some one been telling you that Mr. McGowan thinks and talks about your dad in the way you say?" "No-o.

The old man lay back, his eyes shut, the light on his uplifted face. About him was stillness, hushed waters, and the moon a silver bubble. In the quiet cove, beneath the quiet stars, after sixty years of storm, his soul was slipping away into the Great Quiet. "I like layin here," came the ghostly voice. "So calm-like a'ter the trouble." The cold fingers grew stiff; the eyes closed.

Now the difference in droppin' a egg on the kitchen floor and breakin' it calm-like, in a saucer, ain't only the muss on the floor. You save the egg. Just recent I come nigh to losin' my whole basket. You all know who saved 'em. Not namin' any names, the same person, by jest bein' herself, and kind to everybody, put me wise to the fact that money and clothes ain't all that goes to make a man.

W'en I 'urts my 'and, it's my 'and. 'My dear sir, sez the doctor calm-like, 'it hain't in yer 'and, nor yet in yer toes, but in yer brain, in yer mind, yeh feel the pain. 'P'raps, sez Ben quite short again. My! 'e WAS short!

"He was sitting, quite calm-like, with his head lying back upon the cushion of his arm-chair. There were papers and open letters scattered all about; and they sent off immediately for Mr. Dalton, the lawyer, to look to the papers, and seal up the locks of drawers and desks, and so on. Mr. Dalton is busy at it now. Mr. Eversleigh is awfully shocked, he is.

"Scarcely knowing what she did, but not wishing; of course, to be found with the bracelet in her fingers, Jane tried to slip it into her pocket; but it wouldn't do, her mistress had already seen it. So she says, quiet and calm-like, `Jane, don't attempt to hide it from me; I believe that's one of the bracelets Sir Lionel gave me on my last birthday.

When we started to go we finds Wetzel sittin' calm-like on a log. We said: 'Ain't ye goin' home? and he replied, 'I cum out to find redskins, an' now as we've found 'em, I'm not goin' to run away. An' we left him settin' thar. Oh, Wetzel is a fighter!" "I hope I shall see him," said Joe once more, the warm light, which made him look so boyish, still glowing in his face.

And the French lady put a string of real pearls round her neck, with a cross of pearls, which went down and lay hid in her bosom. "She was mighty calm-like while she was being dressed; but just as I was putting in the last pin, she heard the rumbling of a coach down-stairs, for Jim Marvyn had got a real elegant carriage to carry her over to his father's in, and so she knew he was come.