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Oh, you solemn rogue, you you Bunger! was there ever such another Bunger in the watery world? Bunger, when you die, you ought to die in pickle, you dog; you should be preserved to future ages, you rascal." "What became of the White Whale?" now cried Ahab, who thus far had been impatiently listening to this by-play between the two Englishmen. "Oh!" cried the one-armed captain, "oh, yes!

"No, he's not such a bunger," and dashed off towards the paddock. "Where does he get those words?" thought Lady Locke to herself, preparing to go to her own breakfast. She found Lord Reggie alone in the room reading his letters. He was dressed in loose white flannel, and in the buttonhole of his thin jacket a big green carnation was stuck. It looked perfectly fresh.

"My captain, you must have ere this perceived, respected sir" said the imperturbable godly-looking Bunger, slightly bowing to Ahab "is apt to be facetious at times; he spins us many clever things of that sort. But I may as well say en passant, as the French remark that I myself that is to say, Jack Bunger, late of the reverend clergy am a strict total abstinence man; I never drink "

"Didn't want to try to: ain't one limb enough? What should I do without this other arm? And I'm thinking Moby Dick doesn't bite so much as he swallows." "Well, then," interrupted Bunger, "give him your left arm for bait to get the right.

Which way heading?" "Bless my soul, and curse the foul fiend's," cried Bunger, stoopingly walking round Ahab, and like a dog, strangely snuffing; "this man's blood bring the thermometer! it's at the boiling point! his pulse makes these planks beat! sir!" taking a lancet from his pocket, and drawing near to Ahab's arm. "Avast!" roared Ahab, dashing him against the bulwarks "Man the boat!

"Oh, very severe!" chimed in the patient himself; then suddenly altering his voice, "Drinking hot rum toddies with me every night, till he couldn't see to put on the bandages; and sending me to bed, half seas over, about three o'clock in the morning. Oh, ye stars! he sat up with me indeed, and was very severe in my diet. Oh! a great watcher, and very dietetically severe, is Dr. Bunger.

"Didn't want to try to; ain't one limb enough? What should I do without this other arm? And I'm thinking Moby Dick doesn't bite so much as he swallows." "Well, then," interrupted Bunger, "give him your left arm for bait to get the right.

To escape his terrible flailings, I seized hold of my harpoon-pole sticking in him, and for a moment clung to that like a sucking fish. Now, Bunger boy, spin your part of the yarn." The professional gentleman thus familiarly pointed out, had been all the time standing near them, with nothing specific visible, to denote his gentlemanly rank on board.

"Oh, very severe!" chimed in the patient himself; then suddenly altering his voice, "Drinking hot rum toddies with me every night, till he couldn't see to put on the bandages; and sending me to bed, half seas over, about three o'clock in the morning. Oh, ye stars! he sat up with me indeed, and was very severe in my diet. Oh! a great watcher, and very dietetically severe, is Dr. Bunger.

"No, thank you, Bunger," said the English Captain, "he's welcome to the arm he has, since I can't help it, and didn't know him then; but not to another one. No more White Whales for me; I've lowered for him once, and that has satisfied me.