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Mantell obtained a fine specimen of a fan palm, Flabellaria Lamanonis, Brong., a plant first obtained from beds of corresponding age in the suburbs of Paris. The well-known building- stone of Binstead, near Ryde, a limestone with numerous hollows caused by Cyrenae which have disappeared and left the moulds of their shells, belongs to this subdivision of the Bembridge series.

Stigmaria ficoides, Brong. 1/4 natural size. Stigmaria ficoides, Brong. Surface of another individual of same species, showing form of tubercles. In the sea-cliffs of the South Joggins in Nova Scotia, I examined several erect Sigillariae, in company with Dr. Dawson, and we found that from the lower extremities of the trunk they sent out Stigmariae as roots.

Among other points of resemblance with the living plane-trees, as we see them in the parks and squares of London, fossil fragments of the trunk are met with, having pieces of their bark peeling off. The vine of Oeningen, Vitis teutonica, Ad. Brong, is of a North American type.

I find no cause to alter my last year's opinion, that they have few active vices; but indolence is the root of their evils. "Sept. 7th. Last night I received a strange and embarrassing present, in the shape of a young Dyak boy of five years old a miserable little prisoner, made during this war, from the tribe of Brong.

Fragments of others, found in the same shale, indicate, by the size of the rhomboidal scars which cover them, a still greater magnitude. The living club-mosses, of which there are about 200 species, are most abundant in tropical climates. Lepidostrobus ornatus, Brong. Shropshire. a.

Below this is an indigo- blue marl, like that at the bottom of the higher quarry, resting on yellow marl ascertained to be at least thirty feet thick. Cinnamomum polymorphum, Ad. Brong. Upper and Lower Miocene. a. Leaf. b. All the above fossil-bearing strata were evidently formed with extreme slowness.

It is a known fact that among the living Proteaceae the cones are very firmly attached to the branches, so that the seeds drop out without the cone itself falling to the ground, and this may perhaps be the reason why, in some instances in which fossil seeds have been found, no traces of the cone have been observed. Sequoia Langsdorfii. Ad. Brong., 1/3 natural size.

"What a whang over the lug she brong him!" said Reuben, turning to the schoolmaster. "I reckon it's mair wind ner wool, like clippin' a swine," said Matthew Branthwaite, who entered the inn at this juncture. Robbie's good humor was as radiant as ever. "A kiss for a blow," he said, laughing and struggling with the little woman. "It's a Christian virtue, eh, father?"

The Brong tribe having taken part with the rebels, were attacked by the rajah's people; and many were killed and the rest scattered. Pino, the Brong, knows not whether Situ's parents are alive or dead; nor, if the former, whither they have fled. Supposing my endeavors to restore the child fail, I have resolved to keep him with me, for many reasons.

The opinion of M. Brongniart that the Lepidostrobus is the fruit of Lepidodendron has been confirmed, for these strobili or fruits have been found terminating the tip of a branch of a well-characterised Lepidodendron in Coalbrook Dale and elsewhere. Calamites Sucowii, Brong.; natural size. Radical termination of a Calamite.