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A man named Tyson has lately sunk a well thirty miles this side of La Paz." "It was at Black Tanks the expressman saw Texas Dick and Juan Brincos with our ponies," said Henry. "What a queer name that is! Juan Brincos, John Jumper, or Jumping Jack, as nearly every one calls him." "He is well named; he has been jumping stock for some years." "I thought Western people always hanged horse-thieves?"

Sergeant Frank, aided by Sergeant Henry, told in full of the loss of their animals, and said we intended to try to capture Texas Dick and Juan Brincos and recover Sancho and Chiquita. At the end of the boys' story, Brenda asked: "The thieves were a Mexican and an American?" "Yes." "The American had a scar on the bridge of his nose, and the Mexican had lost his front teeth?" "Exactly.

Gray and Hudson were of the opinion that the horse-thieves were suspicious of our presence, for their agents had been unable to locate the ponies at any stable in town. The horse-race was advertised to come off on the afternoon of the following day, half a mile below the steamboat-landing, and Texas Dick and Juan Brincos had entered horses for the stakes. Mr.

Inquiries made next day in town elicited the information that two notorious frontier scamps, Texas Dick and Juan Brincos, an American and Mexican, were missing, and it was the opinion of civil and military authorities that they had stolen the ponies. The boys took Vic to the Governor's, and, showing her the tracks of her equine friends, she followed them several miles on the Skull Valley trail.

DOÑA MATILDE. ¡De media hora! DON EDUARDO. Nos sobra aún tiempo, porque ni usted necesita más de diez minutos para prepararse, ni yo más de veinte para dar mis últimas órdenes, volver a esta calle, aprovechar el primer momento en que no pase gente, avisar a usted de ello con tres palmadas, recibirla cuando baje y conducirla en dos brincos a la iglesia, cuya puerta, por fortuna, tenemos casi enfrente de esa reja.

"I saw Texas Dick and Juan Brincos at Cisternas Negras," he said, addressing them. "My! Did you, Mr. Hudson?" exclaimed Henry, springing to his feet and approaching the courier. "Did they have our ponies?" "You know I never saw your ponies; but Dick was mounted on a black, with a white star in his forehead, and Juan on a cream-color, with a brown mane and tail." "Sancho!" said Frank.

On the western shore of the Colorado, Private Tom Clary and the boy sergeants sat by the fire broiling quail, which they seasoned from the supplies of Texas Dick and Juan Brincos, and accompanied by slices of toasted bread from the same source. In the midst of their enjoyment of "quail on toast" a loud "who-o-of! who-o-of! who-o-of!" came across the river.

A few moments afterwards the boy sergeants led their ponies on board, and Private Tom Clary escorted the prisoners. The Cocopah cleared away and paddled back to the La Paz side, where Texas Dick and Juan Brincos were turned over to the civil authorities, and Sancho and Chiquita to the escort in Mr. Gray's corral. Three days later the boys and I took leave of Mr.