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'That Bob don't cannon? observed Captain Bouncey from below the bandage that encircled his broken head, nodding towards Bob Spangles, who was just going to make a stroke. 'That Wax is out of limbo? suggested Captain Seedeybuck, in the same breath. 'No. Guess again! exclaimed Lady Scattercash, rubbing her hands in high glee. 'That the Pope's got a son? observed Captain Quod. 'No.

'Well, but I was telling you about the run, interposed Mr. Sponge, again endeavouring to enlist an audience. 'I was telling you about the run, repeated he. 'Don't trouble yourself, my dear sir, interrupted Captain Bouncey; 'we know all about it found checked killed, killed found checked. 'You can't know all about it! snapped Mr.

Captain Quod saw it next, then Captain Bouncey, who told Captain Cutitfat what was in it, who agreed with Bouncey that it wouldn't do to have Mr. Sponge there. Indeed, it seemed agreed on all hands that their party rather wanted weeding than increasing.

'Fear you'll come on badly, observed Captain Seedeybuck, holding up an empty one, 'for Bouncey and I have just finished the last'; the captain chucking the bottle sideways on to the floor, and rolling it towards its companion in the corner. 'Have a fresh bottle, suggested Lady Scattercash, drawing the bell-string at her chair. 'Champagne, said her ladyship, as the footman answered the summons.

'Does he? replied Captain Seedeybuck. 'That, I suppose, will depend upon Watchorn. The party now got settled to breakfast, and as soon as the first burst of appetite was appeased, the conversation again turned upon our friend Mr. Sponge. 'Who is this Mr. Sponge? asked Captain Bouncey, the billiard-marker, with the air of a thorough exclusive. Nobody answered.

'Lucy Glitters, to be sure, replied Bob, who hadn't had his stare out of the billiard-room window for nothing. 'Pity her, observed Bouncey, sprawling along the billiard-table to play for a cannon. 'Why? asked Lady Scattercash. 'Reg'lar scamp, replied Bouncey, vexed at missing his stroke. 'Dare say you know nothing about him, snapped her ladyship.

'Who's your friend? asked he of Sir Harry direct. 'Don't know, replied Sir Harry, from between the mouthfuls of a highly cayenned grill. 'P'raps a bolting betting-office keeper, suggested Captain Ladofwax, who hated Captain Bouncey. 'He looks more like a glazier, I think, retorted Captain Bouncey, with a look of defiance at the speaker.

'Bigger fools they, replied Sir Harry. Presently Peter returned with a tail, headed by George Cheek, who came striding and slouching up the room, and stuck himself down on Lady Scattercash's right. The small boys squeezed themselves in as they could, one by Captain Seedeybuck, another by Captain Bouncey, one by Miss Glitters, a fourth by Miss Howard, and so on.

'No, I never, replied Captain Bouncey. 'He should be called Spooney Sponge, not Soapey Sponge, observed Captain Seedeybuck. 'Well, but to whom? asked Captain Bouncey. 'Ah, to whom indeed! That's the question, rejoined her ladyship archly. 'I know, observed Bob Spangles. 'No, you don't. 'Yes, I do. 'Who is it, then? demanded her ladyship.

'Take my port-stirrup up two 'oles! exclaimed Captain Bouncey from the top of high Hop-the-twig, sticking out a leg to let the groom do it. The captain had affected the sea instead of the land service, while a betting-list keeper, and found the bluff sailor character very taking. 'Avast there! exclaimed he, as the groom ran the buckle up to the desired hole.