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He wished now that he had taken a look over his shoulder when young Kenner was unloading the car at Smiling Lou's command. He would be better prepared now for possible emergencies. He remembered, with a bit of comfort, that the bootlegger had piled a good deal of stuff upon the ground before Casey first heard the clink of bottles. A grunt of relief signaled his location of a box containing grub.

Yuh better wait till Casey says he's in b'fore yuh bank on 'im too strong. Casey may be an easy mark he may be the officious goat pro tem of every darn' bootlegger an' moonshiner an' every darn' cop that crosses his trail; but you can ask anybody if Casey Ryan don't do 'is own decidin'!

Purp's time, Gissing suspected, was irretrievably wasted a good deal of it, to judge by his dusty appearance, in rolling around in ashcans or in the company of the neighbourhood bootlegger; but then, he reflected, in a charitable seizure, you must not judge other people's time-spendings by a calculus of your own. Perhaps he himself was growing a little miserly in this matter.

"You could lay me against it if it looks like you say it does," McWade declared. "This bootlegger, being half dead and non compost mentis, would help put it over with a man like Nelson; he'd set him in a draught while he was signing the option. I'll guarantee the seepage to last for a month, even if he has the well bailed out every day, and the creek will carry oil for half a mile."

He is very likely a lookout for some bootlegger gang or criminal mob. And I will keep an eye on him." Mottka remained unaware of Policeman Billing's attention. He continued to sit hunched over his roaster, nursing the little fire under it as best he could and waiting. But finally Policeman Billings called himself to his attention in no uncertain way.

What they are thinking about, what the Anti-Saloon League talks about, what the Prohibition enforcement officers expend their energy upon, is the sale of alcoholic drinks in public places and by bootleggers. But where the bootlegger and the restaurant-keeper counts his thousands, home brew counts its tens of thousands.

There was a mighty crackling of dry twigs close at hand, and a voice commanded gruffly, "Hands up!" Instinctively Hedin elevated his hands as he stared into the muzzle of a revolver. Beyond the revolver he saw the grinning face of Mike Duffy, erstwhile lumberjack, then bootlegger, and now policeman; under the Hicks regime. "Shaved her off, eh?" taunted the man.

And, not wryly but with undiscouraged faith, they vote away for the Hylans and the Hardings of each recurrent crisis. They brought the bootlegger into existence and, at a rallying cry lifted by anyone against the theatre, they will come scurrying intently from a thousand unsuspected flats and two-story houses. They are the more responsive to such cries since the war.

The devil had lost his hold on that bootlegger and we had no further trouble with the car. The first time I was called to the Koglin home to hold services was in winter and very cold.

"You, too!" growled Foreman Johnson, giving the bootlegger a kick that sent him staggering along in his efforts to keep on his feet. It was rough treatment, but Tom's course, all through, had been of the only sort that could break down the threatened riot. "Now, see if that Italian can be found who fired the shot in my face," Tom called. "I'll know him if I lay eyes on him."