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It was a realm unknown to her, and yet the very suggestion of it evoked yearnings. And she recalled a picture in the window of Hartmann's book-store, a coloured print before which she used to stop on her way to and from the office, the copy of a landscape by a California artist.

Getz eyed the doctor with suspicion. "How did you come by that there 'Iwanhoe'?" "That there I bought at the second-hand book-store in there at Lancaster one time. I ain't just so much fur books, but now and again I like to buy one too, when I see 'em cheap." "Well, here!" Mr. Getz tossed the book into tie buggy. "Take your old 'Pump-eye. And clear out.

I always tell the book-store man to give me the worst lot of trash he has got, and he does. Now, what is that book you have with you?" "This is one of Mr. Howells' novels. You will admit, at least, that you have heard of Howells, I suppose?" "Heard of him? Oh yes; I have read some of Howells' books. I am not as ignorant as you seem to think." "What have you read of Mr. Howells'?"

But every new obstacle seemed only to increase Absalom's determination to have what he had set out to get. To-night he produced another book, which he said he had bought at the second-hand book-store in Lancaster. "'Cupid and Psyche," Tillie read the title. "Oh, Absalom, thank you. This is lovely.

The Peabodys, on removing to Boston, had opened a shop, a library and book-store and homoeopathic drug-store, all in one, of which she was the head, and with her name Hawthorne associated his new ventures.

You see them in every art or book-store window, and they are constantly finding new admirers, and rendering the name of the talented sculptor more and more a household word. JOHN ROGERS, to whom the world is indebted for this new branch of art, was born at Salem, Massachusetts, on the 30th of October, 1829.

He made some sort of newspaper arrangement with a book-store in Cleveland, which was the means of enriching our home library with a goodly number of books, shop-worn, but none the worse for that, and new in the only way that books need be new to the lover of them. They had at once a great influence upon me.

I made friends with the instituteur of the Villeneuve public school, who led the singing at church, and kept the village book-store; and he too talked politics with me, and told me that all elections were held on Sunday, when the people were at leisure, for otherwise they would not take the time to vote.

Jameson tells us that when she arrived there ten years later, that town contained only one book-store, in which drugs and other articles were also sold. Indeed, Mr. W. Lyon Mackenzie commenced life in Canada in the book and drug business with Mr. James Lesslie, the profits of the books going to the latter, and the profits of the drugs to the former. Subsequently, Mr.

Miss Elizabeth was not a book-agent, but, moved by the religious destitution of the Portuguese, she had devised the plan of buying at some city book-store Bibles or Testaments in Portuguese, and then going into the surrounding country and hunting for Portuguese who could read.