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We then visited Governor Boggs's family and that of General Vallejo, who was then, as now, one of the most prominent and influential natives of California. About dark I learned that Nash had come back, and then, giving Brackett orders to have a cart ready at the corner of the plaza, McLane and I went to the house of Green.

"Mr. Boggs's point," said Mr. Hickok, a third director, who looked something like James E. Winter, "is exceedingly well taken. A United States Senator from a Northern State is a guest in my house for Reunion week. The Senator reads the editorials in the Post with marked attention, has asked me the name of the writer, and has commended some of his utterances most highly.

For half an hour he wins an' he loses about equal; an' he's shore tryin' hard to win, too. "'If I takes in a couple of hundred or so, says this Rainbow to me, 'I allows I'll visit my folks in the States once for luck. "But he never visits them folks he adverts to. It's on Boggs's deal, an' he's throwin' the kyards 'round when Rainbow's took bad.

Yes, truly, he should be read with understanding; what author should not? I would no more think of putting my Boccaccio into the hands of a dullard than I would think of leaving a bright and beautiful woman at the mercy of a blind mute. I have hinted at the horror of the fate which befell Yseult Hardynge in the seclusion of Mr. Henry Boggs's Lincolnshire estate. Mr.

His health had been failing for some time, and shortly afterward he died at Mr. Boggs's residence on Picket Wire Creek. Soon after the adventure with Scotty I had my celebrated buffalo shooting contest with Billy Comstock, a well-known guide, scout, and interpreter.

I believe one morning he didn't get there until after the last bell was done ringing, but otherwise his record of attendance compares favorably with Sister Boggs's. Both teachers agree to ignore the stated lesson for the day, but whereas Sister Boggs leads her flock through the flowery meads of narration, Mr.

I was not strong enough to lower Boggs's bulk; so I took an unlighted candle in my teeth, made a loop for my foot in the end of the rope, implored Boggs not to go to sleep or let the windlass get the start of him, and then swung out over the shaft. I reached the bottom muddy and bruised about the elbows, but safe.

"'Which sports has speshulties same as other folks. Thar's Texas Thompson, his speshulty is ridin' a hoss; while Peets's speshulty is shootin' a derringer, Colonel Sterett's is pol'tics, Enright's is jestice, Dave's is bein' married, Jack Moore's is upholdin' law an' order, Boggs's is bein' sooperstitious, Missis Rucker's is composin' bakin' powder biscuits, an' Huggins's is strong drink.

You go first." "Nah, you go first. The fellow that's dared has got to go first. Ain't that so, Chuck? Ain't that so, Monkey?" "I'll go down if you will, on'y you gotta go first." "Er er Who all 's over at Boggs's hill?" "Oh, the whole crowd of 'em, Turkey-egg McLaughlin, and Ducky Harshberger, and Oh, I don' know who all." "Tell you what less do.

But wouldn't a fellow come down like sixty, though?" "Betchy!" We'd look up again, and somebody would say: "Aw, come on. Less go over to Boggs's hill." "Thought you was goin' down Dangler's." "Yes, I know, but all the other fellows is over to Boggs's." "A-ah, ye're afraid." "Ain't either." "Y' are teether." "I dare you." "Oh, well now " "I double dare you." "All right. I will if you will.