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Ele was engaged in conversation with his friend Belch, who was giving him instructions for the next Congressional session. "You see, Ele, if we could only send something of the right stamp the right stamp, I say, in the place of Watkins Bodley from the third district, we should be all right. Bodley is very uncertain." "I know," returned the Honorable Mr. Ele, "Bodley is not sound.

Yet even Bodley, after perusing the Cogitata et Visa, one of the most precious of those scattered leaves out of which the great oracular volume was afterwards made up, acknowledged that in "those very points, and in all proposals and plots in that book, Bacon showed himself a master-workman"; and that "it could not be gainsaid but all the treatise over did abound with choice conceits of the present state of learning, and with worthy contemplations of the means to procure it."

The service which he rendered to letters during the last five years of his life, amid ten thousand distractions and vexations, increase the regret with which we think on the many years which he had wasted, to use the words of Sir Thomas Bodley, "on such study as was not worthy such a student."

All remembered William A. Bodley and his family, but not one could tell what had become of the man after he had sold out and gone away. "Maybe you had better advertise for him," suggested one man. "It will cost a good deal to advertise all over the United States," replied Joe; "and for all I know he may be dead or out of the country."

"He corresponded," says Gibbon, "at once with Cairo and London, and a cargo of Indian spices and Greek books were often imported by the same vessel." The Bodleian started with a collection which had cost Sir Thomas Bodley £10,000, and it was augmented from time to time by the absorption of tributary influxes of the same kind.

A school at Bodley! thought Evan, and his probationary years at the Cudford Establishment rose before him; and therewith, for the first time since his residence at Beckley, the figure of John Raikes. 'There's a friend of mine, he said, aloud, 'I think if Lady Jocelyn does wish Miss Bonner to learn Latin thoroughly, he would do very well for the groundwork and would be glad of the employment.

Even Sir Thomas Bodley, after perusing the COGITATA ET VISA, one of the most precious of those scattered leaves out of which the great oracular volume was afterward made up, acknowledged that "in all proposals and plots in that book, Bacon showed himself a master workman"; and that "it could not be gainsaid but all the treatise over did abound with choice conceits of the present state of learning, and with worthy contemplations of the means to procure it."

The blue flashes of electricity streaked the windows constantly, while the roll and roar of the thunder almost deafened those in the darkened barroom. Joe Bodley was behind the bar briskly serving customers. He nodded familiarly to Janice, and said: "Bad storm, Miss. Glad to see you. You ain't entirely a stranger here, eh?" "Shut up, Joe!" commanded Mr.

Bodley was rather put out in his last illness by the refusal of a Cambridge doctor, Batter, to come to see him, the doctor saying: 'Words cannot cure him, and I can do nothing else for him. There is an occasional curtness about Cambridge men that is hard but not impossible to reconcile with good feeling.

It was, however, Joe Bodley, whom the indignant young girl confronted when she came so suddenly into the room. Most of the men present paid no attention to the quarreling group at the entrance. "Come now, Hopewell, be a sport," the young barkeeper was saying. "It's early yet, and we want to hear more of your fiddling. Give us that 'Darling, I Am Growing Old' stuff, with all the variations.