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There were several men in it, and among them a black lad, who, at the moment the boat touched the shore, either by accident, or by the contrivance of his mischievous companions, fell overboard. While they gave way to a burst of merriment, the poor blackey regained a footing on terra firma, and shook the water from his woolly locks and dripping garments.

"Come, now, blackey," said one; "be a good fellow for once in your life an' tell us what makes your master live on a desert island like Robinson Crusoe, an' go about the ocean in a canoe." "Look 'ere now, whitey," returned Moses, "what you take me for?" "A nigger, of course."

It is now midnight; I have a man with me, and I am not quite so vigorous as I could wish, but my head is clear, and to-morrow there will only be the criss-cross mass of sticking-plaster to tell that I have been felled and robbed. I shall try to pay Mr. Blackey out.

Mind you stay, now, and no faint hearts. Mother, up with your heavy wet, and try suthin' short. I'm off!" With an ostentatious farewell, the excellent Blackey stumped off, and the four remaining revellers became staid. "'Ard times," said the ferret-faced man; "but we've 'ad one good night out on it anyways." "How do you make your living, may I ask, if that's a fair question, mate?"

I was hidden all this time, and I kept very quiet until the pair moved away. Over my last pipe I had many meditations, and formed my own conclusions about Master Blackey.

"Damn your regulars," cried the other, fiercely. "Wait a minute, blackey, and you'll see Captain Jack Lawton come out from behind yonder hill, and scatter these Cowboys like wild geese who've lost their leader."

As soon as he had swallowed his last mouthful he jumped up, thanked his host, nodded good-bye to the old hag without any ill-will, dropped a final tear over the hapless Blackey, and quickly returned to Algiers, with the firm intention of packing up and starting that very day for the South.

Very few tramps care to remember their pasts during which they ignobly worked, so monicas based upon trades are very rare, though I remember having met the following: Moulder Blackey, Painter Red, Chi Plumber, Boiler-Maker, Sailor Boy, and Printer Bo.

We had been a long time acquainted before I learned anything definite about these four. The girl usually arrives about half-past ten; she spends money freely, and the four always take home a huge can of beer. Some while ago the young man Blackey he is nicknamed went out, and I followed him quietly. He had been affable with me all the evening, and went so far as to offer me a drink.

"Garn, you farthin' face! Shet your neck." "All very fine, Mister Blackey, but how would you like a smack in the bloomin' eye? I done the best as I knew for you, and there ain't a bloke round as has a judy wot'll go where I goes and hand over the wongur." "Never mind, I was waxy when I done it. Maybe we'll 'ave some luck to morrow'."