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"We owe that obligation to Strozzi. and I must say it Was the only sensible thing I ever knew him to do." "Silence!" cried Louvois, incensed. "If you have no respect for the living, have some reverence for the dead!" Barbesieur rose with a yawn. "I see that my honored father is not in a mood for reasonable conversation. Here comes the surgeon with his lancet.

Your father has received full satisfaction, Laura; for, not only has his majesty offered a pointed slight to the man who disgraced Barbesieur, but he has paid him a signal compliment by opening the ball with his sister." "If I had imagined that any thought of Barbesieur mingled with the compliment paid me by the king, I would have refused to dance with him." The duchess looked up astounded.

But we never discovered Katherina's secret." "What secret, dear Strozzi?" inquired Barbesieur. "The secret of killing people by fumes, which left no trace whatever of their action on the body," answered Strozzi, with an awakening gleam of wickedness in his eyes. "And you believe that there are such delicate, ethereal little ministers of vengeance?" "Do I believe it?

After a while, came his cousin from Venice, who took charge of him and of his property." "Yes, to my cost," growled Barbesieur. "for he swindled me out of my pension." "The Marquis Balbi-Strozzi inherits the estate, if the Marquis Ottario dies without heirs," said Carlotta. "The Marquis Ottario will not be such an ass as to die without heirs," cried Barbesieur, impatiently.

She lay on her bed, dying, in her hand, a crumpled letter. The letter was from Barbesieur, and its contents were her death- blow! Eugene, she never opened her eyes again! And oh, how she loved me that dear mother!" "Who that knows you can help loving you?" said Eugene, tenderly. "Look at me, my treasure look at me, and smile. What tears?"

"It you wait for that," whispered Barbesieur in return, "you may wait until the day of judgment. My sister is one of those incomprehensible beings that loves opposition for opposition's sake. If she is disdainful, it is precisely because she is quite as much enamored of you as you are of her.

She outwitted me, and I shall hate her to the end of my days." "Verily I believe you," laughed Barbesieur, as he saw the glitter of her pale-green eyes. "I see in your face that you know how to hate. But you must excuse me if I am amused when I think I see you watching the doors like a she-Cerberus, while that sly creature was flying out of the chimney.

The valet hastened to his assistance, and offered him a glass of water. He emptied it at a draught, but his hands shook so, that he could scarcely hold the goblet, Barbesieur had thrown himself full length on a sofa, whence he contemplated his father with the most consummate indifference. "You ought to be bled," said he, carelessly. "I will do so. It may relieve me," replied he, panting.

"Sire." resumed the duchess, "the woman so foully murdered by the tool of her father and her brother, she, whom I loved so dearly, and whom your majesty's self honored by your attention, was Laura Bonaletta the daughter of Monsieur Louvois, and the sister of his depraved son Barbesieur."

My grandmother had inherited a handsome estate from her husband; and thither they took refuge from the persecution of Barbesieur my brother, and yet the enemy who, before I had attained my sixth year, had driven me to a state of orphanage, by alienating from me my father's affection.