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The bancali are 'like asses who carry wine and drink water, for the good of the clouts, in days like these." "I heard them talking to-day, Piero. The barcarioli tosi are worse than Turks; one must pay, to suit their whim, in the middle of the Canal Grande, or one may wait long for the landing!

"With my token thou canst command the loyalty of every Nicolotto is it thine oar that made that rustle? and perchance, if there were a rising of the traghetti to demand aught of the Signoria come nearer, Antonio! the Castellani also, if they willed to join with their traghetti in asking for justice would not serve under my token the less heartily for the word, confided low to their bancali dost understand? that if their taxes and their fines oppress them, these also, I being free, will pay this year to the maledetto Avvogadoro del Commun."

Listen well, Antonio," again the hand and eyes went up with the dreaded unmistakable sign, "if thou seest THEM seize me before thou takest leave, wait no longer than to plan with the bancali to come and demand my release.

And for once Piero had uttered opinions, however clumsily, upon "government" and "reform" from the pulpit of San Nicolò, in the dignified and interested presence of a ducal secretary, the bancali, and the disconcerting throng of gondoliers who were intolerant of speeches and impatient for their vote; and he had retired shamefacedly, like an awkward boy, while his jejune remarks were elaborately discussed by the judges.

Some say there will be an appeal to the Consiglio." "Nay," said Piero, with an ominous frown; "the bancali and gastaldi are enough; we need no bossing by crimson robes."

It was she who had, in some unaccountable way, persuaded him out of his unlawful trade of barcariol toso, and had forced his reluctant acceptance of the overtures that were made to him from the Guild of Santa Maria Zobenigo, where he had risen to be one of the bancali or governors, his qualities of force and daring making him useful in this age when lawlessness was on the increase.

"If they harm her not," he resumed in his usual tone, after a moment's pause, "my fate shall be avenged in the judgment and command of the bancali of the Nicolotti only. They shall not risk the people's good for the poor life of one leader!" "Padrone!" Antonio cried, with flashing eyes. "Commandi altro?"

Thou shalt tell the bancali that I sent thee; thou shalt tell them there are affairs of moment for the Nicolotti which shall go hard for the traghetti if I be not there to work them Art listening, Antonio?" he questioned feverishly. Antonio's eyes were fastened upon his. "Padrone, yes!" he answered breathlessly.

"This for the need of the cause in thy hand," said Piero, passing him a purse of gold. "But gold is worthless to this token which shall win thee the hearing of the bancali, and the aid of every loyal son of San Nicolò, and shall be proof that thou bearest my orders and my trust." The trust was great the bancali were the governing board of the traghetti.

Thou shalt return to Venice by Fusina or Brondolo, as thy wit shall serve thee leaving the precious gondolieri to prove whether their silken sashes be badges of men or traitors! Art thou listening?" "Command me, padrone!" "Within two days, if I be free, the bancali shall have news of me.