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Two young artists were brought into his circle, during that winter both Venetians, and both singularly interesting men: Giacomo Boni, now a celebrated antiquary, then capo d'opera of the Ducal Palace, and doing his best to preserve, instead of "restoring," the ancient sculptures; and Angelo Alessandri, a painter of more than usual seriousness of aim and sympathy with the fine qualities of the old masters.

Id sibi maxime formidolosum, privati hominis nomen supra principis attolli: frustra studia fori et civilium artium decus in silentium acta, si militarem gloriam alius occuparet: et cetera utcumque facilius dissimulari: ducis boni imperatoriam virtutem esse.

But failing the company of the Commendatore Boni, which is without price, there are to be had for a very little money the guidance and philosophy, and, for all I know, the friendship of several peripatetic historians who lead people about the ruins in Rome, and instruct them in the fable, and doubtless in the moral, of the things they see.

Boni calls attention to the careless structure of this foundation proper, and maintains that it was designed to carry a tower of about two-thirds of the actual height imposed upon it, but not more. Above the foundation proper came the base. This consisted of five courses of stone set in stepwise.

Sat boni I am sure I may say a truly execrable pun that; hope no one will find it out. In the evening we had music from the girls, and the voice of the harp and viol were heard in my halls once more, which have been so long deprived of mirth. It is with a mixed sensation I hear these sounds. I look on my children and am happy; and yet every now and then a pang shoots across my heart.

What does it matter whether I wished it to be done, or rejoiced that it was done? Is there a man, save Antony and those who were glad to have Caesar reign over us, that did not wish him to be killed, or that disapproved when he was killed? All were in fault, for all the Boni joined in killing him, so far as lay in them. Some were not consulted, some wanted courage, some opportunity.

And if, in addition, you can also see him sub specie boni, and love him as well, you will be in the best possible position for becoming perfect teachers. I wish in the following hour to take certain psychological doctrines and show their practical applications to mental hygiene, to the hygiene of our American life more particularly.

Though his popularity was on the wane that general popularity which, we may presume, had been produced by the tone of his voice and the grace of his language there still remained to him that other popularity which consisted, in truth, of the trained bands employed by the "boni" and the "optimates," and which might be used, if need were, in opposition to trained bands on the other side.

DAWSON, CONINGSBY. *Seventh Christmas, The. Holt. DELL, ETHEL M. Safety Curtain, The. Putnam. DOYLE, SIR ARTHUR CONAN. His Last Bow. Doran. DUNSANY, LORD. *Dreamer's Tales, A. Boni and Liveright. *Fifty-one Tales. Little, Brown. EVANS, CARADOC. *My People. Duffield. GATE, ETHEL M. *Broom Fairies, The. Yale Univ. Press. GIBSON, WILFRID WILSON. *Collected Poems. Macmillan.

The voice of reason, bidding us prefer the greater good, no matter who is to enjoy it, is also nothing but the force of sympathy, bringing a remote existence before us vividly sub specie boni. Capacity for such sympathy measures the capacity to recognise duty and therefore, in a moral sense, to have it.