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Having cleared the channel, we hauled into the Bay of Boni, which, although running in a north and south direction, has some headlands extending to the eastward. There are two places marked on the chart, viz.

When the poor soul found his end near, he begged Margaret might be sent for. She came at once, and almost with his last breath he sought once more that forgiveness she had long ago accorded. She remained by him till the last; and he died, blessing and blessed, in the arms of the two true lovers he had parted for life. Tantum religio scit suadere boni.

If, as he declared, he himself and the Boni, who were listening to him, desired so unanimously to see Caesar killed, how else can his language be interpreted? Cicero stands before the tribunal of posterity, to which he was so fond of appealing. In him, too, while "there is much to admire," "something may be found wanting."

My attention was called to it one day in the Roman Forum by Commendatore Boni, who quoted it as one of the great sayings of antiquity.

A man many do well or ill everywhere; but if what Bias says be true, that the greatest part is the worse part, or what the Preacher says: there is not one good of a thousand: "Rari quippe boni: numero vix sunt totidem quot Thebarum portae, vel divitis ostia Nili," the contagion is very dangerous in the crowd.

The Illanum expedition had been absent from Magindano upward of three years, during which time they had cruised among the Moluccas and islands to the eastward, had haunted Boni Bay and Celebes, and beat up the Straits of Makassar. Many of their boats, however, being worn out, they had fitted out Bugis prize prahus, and were now on their return home.

Supreme as an orator he could always be, and an order of things was, therefore, most desirable where oratory held the highest place. Thus he chose his part with the "boni," whom he despised while he supported them, drifting on through vacillation into treachery, till "the ingredients of the poisoned chalice" were "commended to his own lips."

Nay, then, the three children should not have been idolaters, if they had kneeled before Nebuchadnezzar’s image, intending their worship to God only, and not to the image. Our opposites here take the Nicodemites by the hand. But what saith Calvin? Si isti boni sapientesque sophistae ibi tum fuissent, simplicitatem illorum trium servorum Dei irrisissent.

It is matter also of very great satisfaction to know that Venice was founded by good Christians: "La qual citade è stada hedificada da veri e boni Christiani:" which information I found in the MS. copy of the Zancarol Chronicle, in the library of St. Mark's.

Boni & Liveright. 5. #Johnson.# Under the Rose. Harper. 6. #Sedgwick.# Christmas Roses. Houghton Mifflin. 7. #Smith.# Pagan. Scribner. 8. Society of Arts and Sciences. #O. Henry# Prize Stories, 1919. Houghton Mifflin. 10. #Yezierska.# Hungry Hearts. Houghton Mifflin. 1. #Beerbohm.# Seven Men. Knopf. 2. #Cannan.# Windmills. Huebsch. 3. #Dunsany.# Tales of Three Hemispheres.