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Updated: January 6, 2025
O! from how small beginnings did the mystery of iniquity advance its progression? How little motes have accressed to mountains! Wherefore simplicitatem Christi nos opportet colere,
Gentes vero huius insulae peruersae et stollidissimae sunt superstitionis adorantes bouem tanquam animal beatissimum, propter eius simplicitatem mansuetudinem, patientiam, et vtilitatem. Multitudo cuiuslibet ciuitatis vel uillae vnum specialem nutrit bouem, quem postquam laborauit in aratro per sex annos immolant manducantes pariter cum maxima solemnitate.
Nay, then, the three children should not have been idolaters, if they had kneeled before Nebuchadnezzar’s image, intending their worship to God only, and not to the image. Our opposites here take the Nicodemites by the hand. But what saith Calvin? Si isti boni sapientesque sophistae ibi tum fuissent, simplicitatem illorum trium servorum Dei irrisissent.
"Horum simplicitatem sincerae doctrinae, disciplinae sanctitatem, vitae Deo Jicatae integritatem adorabat. Subtilitatem scholarum divina postmodum inquinasse dolebat.
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