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In dislocation of the humerus the patient is to be bound in the supine position, a wedge-shaped stone wrapped with yarn placed in the axilla, and the surgeon, pressing against the padded stone with his foot and raising the humerus with his hands, reduces the head of the bone to its natural position.

June fourteenth, the same individual showed me a newly forming furuncle in the left axilla: there was wide- spread thickening and redness of the skin, but no pus was yet apparent. An incision at the center of the thickening showed a small quantity of pus mixed with blood. Sowing, rapid growth for twenty-four hours and the appearance of the same organism.

Here's the temperature chart for the last week. If we reach this point in axilla again " he indicated one hundred and two degrees with a thumb-nail "we'll have to risk the cold bath, but only in that case." "And the tympanites?" Dr. Pitts put his chin in the air. "Grave there's an intestinal ulcer, no doubt of it, and if it perforates well, we can send for the undertaker then."

In health under normal conditions the temperature of man varies between 36° C. and 38° C., or if the thermometer be placed in the axilla, between 36.25° C. and 37.5° C. In the mouth the reading would be from .25° C. to 1.5° C. higher than this; and in the rectum some .9° C. higher still.

If the paralysis persists, the sterno-costal portion of the pectoralis major may be transplanted to the lower angle of the scapula. The long thoracic nerve may be cut across while clearing out the axilla in operating for cancer of the breast.

When I saw her, which was on the eighth day after she received the infection, I found her affected with general lassitude, shiverings, alternating with heat, coldness of the extremities, and a quick and irregular pulse. These symptoms were preceded by a pain in the axilla. On her hand was one large pustulous sore, which resembled that delineated in Plate No.

One of the best known is the compression paralysis of the nerves of the upper arm which results from sleeping with the arm resting on the back of a chair or the edge of a table the so-called "drunkard's palsy"; and from the pressure of a crutch in the axilla "crutch paralysis."

He thinks the fourth phase, when the sound becomes dull, lasts for about 6 mm. It is essential that the patient on whom the examination is to be made should be at rest, either comfortably seated, or lying down. All clothing should be removed from the arm, and there should be no constriction by sleeves, either of the upper arm or the axilla.

In boys, Gilbert tells us, no special apparatus is required. The surgeon merely places his doubled fist in the axilla, with the other hand grasps the humerus and lifts the boy off the ground, and the head of the bone slips readily back into place.

After this period, buboes in the axilla and in the groin, and inflammatory boils all over the body, made their appearance; but it was not until seven months afterwards that some patients recovered with matured buboes, as in the ordinary milder form of plague.