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But the Scythian name for earth 'apia, watery, water-issued, meaning first isle and then land this name, which we find in 'avia, ScandinAVIA, and in 'ey' for AldernEY, not only explains the Apian Land of Sophocles for us, but points the way to a whole world of relationships of which we knew nothing.

Ultro may well enough be rendered moreover or even, thus giving emphasis to emere. Devortia itinerum. Bye roads, explained by avia, as longinquitas is by remota. The object of requiring the people to convey their contributions to such distant and inconvenient points, was to compel them to buy of the Romans, or to pay almost any sum of money to avoid compliance.

Paulus, i, 4, 4. ad Helviam matrem de consol., xiv, 3. Other instances of women trustees will be found in Apuleius, Apologia 516; Paulus in Dig; iii, 5,23 : avia nepotis sui negotia gessit, etc.; ibid., Marcellus, 46, 3, 48: Titia cum propter dotem bona mariti possideret, omnia pro domina egit, reditus exegit, etc. Tacitus, Agricola, 43. Frag. iur. Rom. Vat., 282. Ulpian, viii, 7a.

This herbivorous animal of the cetaceous family, is called by the Indians apcia and avia,* and it attains here generally ten or twelve feet in length. The manatee abounds in the Orinoco below the cataracts, in the Rio Meta, and in the Apure, between the two islands of Carizales and Conserva.

"An' now between you and me, Charley whisper I say, isn't it a thousand pities nobody could hear us, surely?" "Nonsense who could hear us?" "Well, isn't it a thousand pities, Charley, avia, that dacent fellows, like you and me, should be as we are, an' that mad ould villain havin' his house full 'o money? eh, now?" "It's a hard case," replied Hanlon, "but still we must put up with our lot.

The rest of the division and a brigade of cavalry came up, and, directed by Soult himself, attacked the Spaniards, drove them through the town and across the Avia with great loss. Twenty priests were found among the slain.

You see, we should not be cutting his communication were we to march now, because when he has crossed the river Avia he will have direct communication with Ney, and will of course draw all his supplies from the north, so I think that we had better lose no time in pushing up along the river." The troops were ordered to light fires and cook their breakfast.

The next day three or four thousand other irregulars from the valley of Avia were attacked and scattered, and on the 18th the French cavalry, with three brigades of infantry, entered Orense. An hour earlier Terence had arrived on the other side of the river, and had at once made preparations for blowing up the bridge.

The French rode up towards the squares, but were met by heavy volleys, and after riding round them drew off, having suffered considerable loss, being greatly surprised at finding that instead of a mob of armed men, such as they had met at Avia, they were encountered by soldiers possessing the steadiness of trained troops.

Fox, to withstand the persevering impetuosity of such a counsellor, or keep the balance of his mind unshaken by those stupendous powers, which, like the horses of the Sun breaking out of the ecliptic, carried every thing they seized upon, so splendidly astray: "quaque impetus egit, Hac sine lege ruunt, altoque sub aethere fixis Incursant stellis, rapiuntque per avia currum."