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But when we find the skin closing over it in the amphibian and reptile, then the bone, and then see it gradually atrophying and being buried under the growing brain, we must refer it to some early fish-ancestor.

It is the least you can do, in justice to us, in justice to yourself. There are other bodies I cannot call them churches which doubtless would welcome your liberal, and I must add atrophying, interpretation of Christianity. And I trust that reflection will convince you of the folly of pushing this matter to the extreme. We should greatly deplore the sensational spectacle of St.

But to her new dilemma, of which the horns were the Major and the Notary in the privacy of her secret thoughts she made no bones of admitting that this dilemma confronted her the atrophying process was not applicable; at least, not until it could be applied with a sharp finality.

Paul had found that, by an inexorable iron sequence, sin worked in himself the true death of the soul, in separation from God, in the extinction of good and noble capacities, in the atrophying of all that was best in himself, in the death of joy and peace.

The atrophying muscles of the digestive tube, unable to hurry on the mixed products of indigestion; fermentation; and micro-organisms inciting fermentations and elaborating toxic alkaloids, poison and disorder the functions of life. Man's outdoor life enables him to escape many of these evils.

It is the least you can do, in justice to us, in justice to yourself. There are other bodies I cannot call them churches which doubtless would welcome your liberal, and I must add atrophying, interpretation of Christianity. And I trust that reflection will convince you of the folly of pushing this matter to the extreme. We should greatly deplore the sensational spectacle of St.

Henry Wharton, Chaplain to Archbishop Sancroft, in his journal, written in the seventeenth century, says that he was born with two tongues and passed through life so, one, however, gradually atrophying. In the polyclinic of Schnitzer in Vienna in 1892 Hajek observed in a lad of twelve an accessory tongue 2.4 cm. in length and eight mm. in breadth, forming a tumor at the base of the normal tongue.

According to the first, education is useful in proportion as it tends, by repressing the activities and atrophying the faculties of the scholars, to keep the "lower orders" in their places, and in so doing to provide the "upper classes" with a sufficiency of labourers and servants.

The worst of it is to feel the muscles atrophying from disuse and the tissues wasting, so that when it comes out of the splints it will still have to be cured of the degeneration the splints have Oh, hold on, Miss Mathewson this sounds like a paper for a surgical journal!" Burns, who had been walking up and down the room, cast himself into an armchair and stared despairingly at his amanuensis.

Not less than sixty-five to seventy-five per cent of all cancers in women occur in atrophying organs, the uterus and mammary glands. A rather alluring suggestion was made by Cohnheim, years ago, that cancers might be due to the sudden resumption of growth on the part of islands or rests of embryonic tissue, left scattered about in various parts of the body.