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"Then let's forget. I was stupid. This is all too big and great for such smallness." She indicated the coming of the unearthly light. "Thy dawning, O Aton," Michael said. Margaret smiled. "He was very far from us at Assuan." "He was there. I stifled my consciousness of him, Meg." "Don't," she said. "Let's go forward." "I know what you mean," he said. "Regrets are weak, foolish."

He knows how fair of form was the formless Aton, how radiant of colour. He knows that the Kingdom which is Heaven is within us. In loving the world and the beauty of the world which is Aton's he knows my commandments."

Her mind was again vivified with visions of the desert and the various scenes which Hadassah's letter suggested. Flashing before her eyes was the open desert, the unbroken light, and the stumbling donkey, heavily-laden and meekly submissive, with the gleaming gems, betrayed by the rays of Aton.

There dropped not a sigh from the lips of a babe that the intangible Aton did not hear; no lamb bleated for its mother but the remote Aton hastened to soothe it. He was the living father and mother of all that He had made. He was the Lord of Love. He was the tender nurse who creates the man-child in woman, and soothes him that he may not weep."

He was enjoying the beauty of Aton in the silent valley, which his footsteps had so often trod, the valley overlooking the city which to him, in his manhood, became the city of abomination and desolation, the city of false gods. As the light of day flooded the desert, the figure became invisible to Meg. It seemed to melt into the golden air.

I was his messenger." "But who was Aton?" Margaret said. In her mind she was striving to recall if she had ever heard any references to the worship of one god in Egypt, except by the children of Israel. "The one who is to do my work will tell you. He has studied my teachings, he understands the love of Aton, whose rays encompass the world." "Thank you," Margaret said. "I will tell him."

"He worshipped our God, the Creator of all things of heaven or earth, even of our precious human sympathy, Meg, for nothing that is could be without Him, and to Akhnaton His symbol was the sun. The earlier Egyptians worshipped Ra, the great sun-god; Akhnaton brought divinity into his worship. He worshipped Aton as the Lord and Giver of Life, the Bestower of Mercy, the Father of the Fatherless.

After that Pharaoh's death, and the death of the next one, Ay, Akhnaton's father-in-law, who reigned for a short time and who, to do him justice, tried to remain faithful to Akhnaton's ideal Aton worship the great warrior and commander-in-chief, Horemheb, was raised to the throne. He brought Egypt back to its old conditions.

Does He expect things other than He has made?" "I am in darkness; I have so many fears." "Your soul is not shut off from that which it desires. Your fears can be turned to understanding; no forces of darkness can hold against the powers of Light. If you open your heart to the Living Truth, the powers of darkness are disarmed, Aton is enthroned. He is the sole creator of all things created."

"As soon as they enact it, they'll be of no more consequence than the Assemblage of Peers on Aton; they'll have no voice in the operation of the Commonwealth, and none in the new constitution that will be drawn up five years from now. And that will be the end of them. All the big estates, and the factories and mines and contragravity-ship lines will be nationalized."