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"They want to trade off thar pelts an' sech-like for what we can give them in exchange." "All right," assents the Captain. "Be it so; and we may as well douse the sail and heave to we're making no way, any how." At this the sail is lowered, and the boat lies motionless on the water, awaiting the approach of the canoe.

This modern type of the general reader may be known in conversation by the cordiality with which he assents to indistinct, blurred statements: say that black is black, he will shake his head and hardly think it; say that black is not so very black, he will reply, “Exactly.” He has no hesitation, if you wish it, even to get up at a public meeting and express his conviction that at times, and within certain limits, the radii of a circle have a tendency to be equal; but, on the other hand, he would urge that the spirit of geometry may be carried a little too far.

And in our own time, a man is permitted by consent to be grasping after money, imperious in temper, uncharitable in speech, without losing position in the Church, so long as he assents to all the clauses of an orthodox creed. With Christ, however, love is all-important.

So it was no wonder that in answer to Uncle Mo he nodded his head very frequently, as one who not only assents to a fact, but rather lays claim to having been its first discoverer. "What did I tell you, Mo?" said he. "Concernuating? Of? What?" said Uncle Mo in three separate sentences, each one accompanied by a tap of his pipe-bowl on the wooden table at The Sun parlour.

Billy left Doug hovering between life and death, and hurried back to Dic. "Patsy says you took the gun from where it was leaning against the tree and shot Hill. I suppose he doesn't know exactly how it did happen. I told him you said that was the way of it, and he assents. He says Doug doesn't know who fired the shot.

A night for preparation; next day, armed with credentials in "billets de banque," Villa Rocca will lure the girl to her mysterious guardian who will be "sick" near Paris. Once under way, Villa Rocca will not stop till the girl is in his Italian manor. With bounding heart, he assents. He has now Natalie's promise to marry him. They are one in heart. "I am yours to the death," he says.

I don't see any island," complained Little Cawthorne. "I tell you," he confided, "I guess it's just Chillingworth's little way of fixing up a nice long vacation for us." They smiled at memory of Chillingworth's grudging and snarling assents to even an hour off duty. From below came Bennietod, walking slowly.

They prod sticks at the ground, stamp on it, dig a heel in, to test its hardness and dryness. The General looks round. 'This is about as low-lying a spot as we have on this part of front, he says to his Chief of Staff. 'If it is dry enough here it must be dry enough everywhere else. The Chief assents, and for a space the group stands looking round the sunlit fields and up at the clear sky.

They anticipate no difficulty in taking up the trail of a troop like that Walt confidently declares he could do so were he blindfolded as their mules, adding, in characteristic phraseology, "I ked track the skunks by thar smell." Saying this he proposes a "bit o' brakwist," a proposition his comrade assents to with eagerness.

Between these two forces, which seem to act on one another and which certainly act in concert in such fashion that the movement desired by the soul is executed by the body or that the soul obviously assents to a movement desired by the body, what can be the affinity and the relation, in what consists their concurrence and concord?