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Roarings an' Miss 'Arringay. 'E isn't 'er style as any one could see with 'arf an eye, but 'e's fair blinded just now. Wot an eye-opener it'd be if 'e got to know 'er proper met 'er frequent, so to speak. 'I'm afraid I don't quite understand. 'Well, 'ere's a case in point.

Don't say it's that there Miss 'Arringay 'oo wos a-settin' 'er cap so 'ard at 'im the other night? I was a little taken aback. 'Yes, that's about it, I confessed. 'Well, upon my soul, the sorcy baggage, burst out Elizabeth with unexpected wrath, 'such imperence after me workin' an' plannin' the way I 'ave. But she shan't 'ave 'im. Look 'ere, 'm, Miss Marryun is just the one fer 'im.

Is it not written that it is better to have one rheumatic great-aunt than a brother, sister-in-law, and a niece in an asylum! For answer Marion wired the time of her return train, and I began to grow hopeful. 'An' when Miss Marryun comes, remarked Elizabeth, 'if I wos you I wouldn't say nothin' to 'er about the way Mr. Roarings went after Miss 'Arringay. 'Why not? I asked involuntarily.

'Tell you wot you orter do, said the fertile Elizabeth, 'send for Miss Marryun to come 'ere unexpected, an' then tell Miss 'Arringay you'll want 'er room. 'But but I've got another spare room. Miss Harringay knows that. Elizabeth winked: I pretended not to see it, but there was no mistaking the distinct muscular movement of her left eyelid. 'No you 'aven't, she said stoutly.

Which they did an' bless yer wot with seein' 'er every day an' gettin' to know 'er too well 'e soon got sick o' 'er. Why, 'e'd given 'er a black eye afore the week was out. Now if Mr. Roarings and Miss 'Arringay met frequent like that 'Elizabeth, I interposed, 'mind your own business'; and I went out of the kitchen with dignity.

I was giving orders for dinner and was suggesting apple turnovers for a sweet, when she blandly remarked, 'Talkin' o' turnovers, Mr. Roarings is dead gone on that there Miss 'Arringay now, I 'ear. 'Your hearing does seem unusually good, I said coldly. Certainly, I had never mentioned the subject to any one but Henry.