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"Wind-flower" is quite as good as "anemone," better, indeed, as it expresses a certain feeling about the flower that "anemone" does not convey. So, too, "mayflower" is more suggestive than "trailing arbutus," and that than Epigæa repens. Thus at first let the children learn only the common names of the flowers, at the same time that they discover all that is interesting about them.

The flowers that grew in abundance about the settlement must have given them joy, arbutus or "mayflowers," wild roses, blue chicory, Queen Anne's lace, purple asters, golden-rod and the beautiful sabbatia or "sentry" which is still found on the banks of the fresh ponds near the town and is called "the Plymouth rose."

There was a chill in the evening air, but the grass was growing green in sheltered spots, and Jeffrey Miller had found purple-petalled violets and pink arbutus on the hill that day. Across a valley filled with beech and fir, there was a sunset afterglow, creamy yellow and pale red, with a new moon swung above it.

"The furniture was stained a light buff, and the upholstering was a delicate cretonne livened by exquisite tracings of wisteria. "The carpet was light blue, surrounded by a border of deeper blue, lightly emphasized by suggestions of trailing arbutus.

The arbutus had companioned the hepatica, and the squads of the lupines were busily preparing their panoply of lavender-blue racemes. Nature was breaking bounds. On the inland horizon rose the vast bulk of the prison. As on other excursions, nobody tried too hard to see it. "It's all too lovely," exclaimed Medora Phillips.

So Kirk, in a dream of wonder, dropped to his knees, and felt among the loose leaves, in the sunshine. And there were tufts of smooth foliage, all hidden away, and there came from them a smell rapturously sweet arbutus on a sunlit hill. Kirk pulled a sprig and sat drinking in the deliciousness of it, till the old gentleman said: "We must have enough for a wreath, you know a wreath for the queen."

But some bushes of tall heath and straggling arbutus made a light screen in front of her. She saw, but she could hardly be seen, till the passer-by coming from the river was close upon her. She sat there with her hands lightly crossed upon her knees, holding herself a little stiffly waiting. The phrases of her letter ran in her head. It had been short and simple.

After the linnæa and the arbutus, the prettiest sweet-scented flowering vine our woods hold is the common mitchella vine, called squaw-berry and partridge-berry. It blooms in June, and its twin flowers, light cream-color, velvety, tubular, exhale a most agreeable fragrance. Our flora is much more rich in orchids than the European, and many of ours are fragrant.

They were gone a great while, and came back with a charming bunch arbutus, anemones, violets, and houstonia. They went to walk with their father in the afternoon, to the woods and mountains, and brought home arbutus; and Julian, laurel for me to make a wreath for papa's head, laurel of last year. 23d.

Min and I go out every spring to spend a day and night. We come home laden with arbutus. We're going again a week from this coming Saturday. I wish you and Mary Wilson would go along. We get a livery rig and drive out. Can't you go with us?" "No, I " "It shall not cost you a cent. Min and I will pay the livery bill." "Oh, I think I could manage to pay my share," dryly.