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Reading is made too easy nowadays, with cheap paper editions and free libraries. A man does not appreciate at its full worth the thing that comes to him without effort. Who now ever gets the thrill which Carlyle felt when he hurried home with the six volumes of Gibbon's "History" under his arm, his mind just starving for want of food, to devour them at the rate of one a day?

Brinkley's look to go on: "I didn't appreciate her then; she was very generous and high-minded too high-minded for me to understand, even. But we don't seem to know how good others are till we wrong them." "Yes, that is very true," said Mrs. Brinkley.

In my Sunday musing by the shore of our Lake, I raised the question, Who were looking upon the waters of Tahoe when Jesus walked by the beach of Gennesareth? Did men look upon it then? And if so were they above the savage level, and could they appreciate its beauty?

Indians do not readily understand or appreciate the half-jocose way in which Englishmen are wont to show friendliness to others. I saw at a railway station some rather venerable Christians from a village mission seeing off a young missionary.

If he had not seen through him so clearly his distrust of a man, in whom were united nearly all the qualities which he prized highest and could best appreciate, would be quite inexplicable. But William had another and still more important point of contact with Philip II. He had learned his policy from the same master, and had become, it was to be feared, a more apt scholar.

Which to her Gabriel shall say in fittin time: "Well done good and faithful servant Come to the skys Stranger read this pious lesson Go and do likewise." This gem she had read in turn to each of her nurslings as they came to what she considered a fitting age to appreciate it; and they had regarded it with great awe and admiration, till they outgrew it and began to consider it as a joke.

That he created it was not due to any encouragement from others. He had plenty of judicious friends to warn him from the undertaking. Sailors, he was told, might understand and appreciate it, but no one else would.

Did he not lay claim to the vices and vanities of men also? At its worst, Whitman's vanity was but the foible of a great nature, and should count for but little in the final estimate. The common human nature to which he lay claim will assert itself; it is not always to be kept up to the heroic pitch. It was difficult to appreciate his liking for the newspaper.

Now, stepfather, do you not find that Lord Elliot does honor to my taste?" "Certainly, and all the more because your choice proves that you appreciate the true dignity and beauty of a man, and his outward appearance seems to you comparatively insignificant." "Alas, alas! now you begin also to attribute noble and exalted motives to me," said Camilla pathetically.

Alice was not yet able to bear an implication that she did not understand society sufficiently to appreciate the distance between Lydia and Cashel. "Of course I know it is impossible," she said, in her old manner. "I did not mean it." Lucian found some difficulty in gathering from this what she did mean; and they presently took refuge in waltzing.