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The Pundits, the religious leaders of the people, have, it appears, access to the council of the demons, for the exact time of the coming attack is known by them so long before hand that the people far and near are prepared for its approach. In fact, if it did not come on, if the demons withdrew from their intention, there would be great disappointment.

But this appears to be the course of nature; and in morals, as well as in works of taste, we should be observant of her sacred indications, and not presume to lead when we ought obsequiously to follow.

"'It appears incredible to me that any girl, much less a girl like Teresa, could so compromise her self-respect as to encourage four suitors, each in such a manner as that he expected to marry her. It is so strange that I cannot believe it, except each man swears to his statement. Can we all swear to it?

I think my time is come, I don't know how it may appear to you, Sally, but " Insensibility fell upon him for a few minutes; he emerged from it once more. " I don't know how it may appear to you, Sally, but so it appears to me." When he had thus conscientiously finished his favourite sentence, his time came, and he died. The summer and the autumn passed. Christmas and the New Year were at hand.

When people make so much fuss, and bring so many agonising sick to a place like that, they surely ought to send the dead ones home again, ought they not? And do you know how much money they ended by asking of me at the station? Three hundred francs! Yes, it appears it is the price! Three hundred francs, good Lord! of me, who came here with thirty sous in my pocket and have only five left.

"No, indeed; I saw no ghost," replied Andrews. "Did either of you see it?" he continued, turning to the ladies. They both answered negatively. "If there really had been such a thing we certainly should have seen it," said Mrs. Potter. "Well, I know that I saw it, and it is terrible to think that I should be the only one to whom this thing appears," said Drysdale.

"It appears to me," said Laurence, giving the rein to his fancy, "that the fate of this ancient chair was, somehow or other, mysteriously connected with the fortunes of old Massachusetts. If Governor Pownall had put it aboard the vessel in which he sailed for South Carolina, she would probably have lain wind-bound in Boston Harbor. It was ordained that the chair should not be taken away.

"Then come home, my children, the sun is gone down, And the dews of night arise; Come, come, leave off play, and let us away, Till the morning appears in the skies." We call it artless, with still a hint of depreciation in the word, or at least of wonder that we should be so moved by such simple means.

I know you too well to believe you to be at fault in this matter." "I am not at fault, Miss Rutledge," was the composed answer. "I thank you for believing in me." "There seems to be a great deal more behind this affair than appears on the surface," the dean said significantly. "That is true," Dorothy affirmed.

It is remarkable that Hume does not refer to the sentimental arguments for the immortality of the soul which are so much in vogue at the present day; and which are based upon our desire for a longer conscious existence than that which nature appears to have allotted to us. Perhaps he did not think them worth notice.